Source code for sciris.sc_versioning

Functions for checking and saving versioning information, such as Python package
versions, git versions, etc.

    - :func:`sc.freeze() <freeze>`: programmatically store "pip freeze" output
    - :func:`sc.require() <require>`: require a specific version of a package
    - :func:`sc.gitinfo() <gitinfo>`: gets the git information (if available) of a given file
    - :func:`sc.compareversions() <compareversions>`: easy way to compare version numbers
    - :func:`sc.metadata() <metadata>`: collects relevant metadata into a dictionary
    - :func:`sc.savearchive() <savearchive>`: saves data as a zip file including versioning metadata

import os
import re
import time
import zlib
import types
import warnings
import importlib.metadata as imd
import packaging.version as pkgv
import packaging.specifiers as pkgs
import packaging.requirements as pkgr
from zipfile import ZipFile
import sciris as sc

__all__ = ['freeze', 'require', 'gitinfo', 'compareversions', 'getcaller', 
           'metadata', 'loadmetadata', 'savearchive', 'loadarchive']

# Define shared variables
_metadataflag      = 'sciris_metadata' # Key name used to identify metadata saved in a figure
_metadata_filename = 'sciris_metadata.json' # Default filenames for metadata and data
_obj_filename      = 'sciris_data.obj'

[docs] def freeze(lower=False): """ Alias for pip freeze. Args: lower (bool): convert all keys to lowercase **Example**:: assert 'numpy' in sc.freeze() # One way to check for versions | *New in version 1.2.2.* | *New in version 3.1.3:* use ``importlib`` instead of ``pkg_resources`` """ raw = {dist.metadata['Name']:dist.version for dist in imd.distributions()} keys = sorted(raw.keys()) if lower: # pragma: no cover labels = {k:k.lower() for k in keys} else: labels = {k:k for k in keys} data = {labels[k]:raw[k] for k in keys} # Sort alphabetically return data
def pkg_require(req): """ Replacement for pkg_resources.require(); used by sc.require(), not for external use """ r = pkgr.Requirement(req) version = imd.version( allowed = pkgs.SpecifierSet(str(r.specifier)) if version not in allowed: string = f'{req} (available: {version})' raise imd.PackageNotFoundError(string) return
[docs] def require(reqs=None, *args, message=None, exact=False, detailed=False, die=True, warn=True, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Check whether environment requirements are met. Alias to pkg_resources.require(). Args: reqs (list/dict): a list of strings, or a dict of package names and versions args (list): additional requirements message (str): optionally provide a custom error message if requirements are not met; "<MISSING>" will be replaced with list of missing requirements kwargs (dict): additional requirements exact (bool): use '==' instead of '>=' as the default comparison operator if not specified detailed (bool): return a dict of which requirements are/aren't met die (bool): whether to raise an exception if requirements aren't met warn (bool): if not die, raise a warning if requirements aren't met verbose (bool): print out the exception if it's not being raised or warned **Examples**:: sc.require('numpy') sc.require(numpy='') sc.require(reqs={'numpy':'1.19.1', 'matplotlib':'3.2.2'}) sc.require('numpy>=1.19.1', 'matplotlib==3.2.2', die=False, message='Requirements <MISSING> not met, but continuing anyway') sc.require(numpy='1.19.1', matplotlib='==4.2.2', die=False, detailed=True) | *New in version 1.2.2.* | *New in version 3.0.0:* "warn" argument | *New in version 3.1.3:* "message" argument | *New in version 3.1.6:* replace pkg_resources dependency with packaging """ # Handle inputs reqlist = list(args) reqdict = kwargs if isinstance(reqs, dict): reqdict.update(reqs) else: reqlist = sc.mergelists(reqs, reqlist) # Turn into a list of strings comparechars = '<>=!~' for k,v in reqdict.items(): if not v: entry = k # If no version is provided, entry is just the module name else: compare = '' if v.startswith(tuple(comparechars)) else ('==' if exact else '>=') entry = k + compare + v reqlist.append(entry) # Check the requirements data = dict() errs = dict() for entry in reqlist: try: pkg_require(entry) # Drop-in replacement for pkg_resources.require() data[entry] = True except Exception as E: data[entry] = False errs[entry] = E # Figure out output met = all([e==True for e in data.values()]) # Handle exceptions if not met: errkeys = list(errs.keys()) count = 0 errorstrings = '' for key,valid in data.items(): if not valid: count += 1 errorstrings += f'\n{key} (error: {errs[key]})' missing = sc.strjoin(errkeys, sep=' ') if message is not None: errormsg = message.replace('<MISSING>', missing) else: errormsg = '\nThe following requirement(s) were not met:' errormsg += errorstrings errormsg += f'\nTry "pip install {missing}".' if die: err = errs[errkeys[-1]] raise ModuleNotFoundError(errormsg) from err elif warn: warnings.warn(errormsg, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=2) elif verbose: print(errormsg) else: pass # Handle output if detailed: return data, errs else: return met
[docs] def gitinfo(path=None, hashlen=7, die=False, verbose=True): """ Retrieve git info This function reads git branch and commit information from a .git directory. Given a path, it will check for a ``.git`` directory. If the path doesn't contain that directory, it will search parent directories for ``.git`` until it finds one. Then, the current information will be parsed. Note: if direct directory reading fails, it will attempt to use the gitpython library. Args: path (str): A folder either containing a .git directory, or with a parent that contains a .git directory hashlen (int): Length of hash to return (default: 7) die (bool): whether to raise an exception if git information can't be retrieved (default: no) verbose (bool): if not dying, whether to print information about the exception Returns: Dictionary containing the branch, hash, and commit date **Examples**:: info = sc.gitinfo() # Get git info for current script repository info = sc.gitinfo(my_package.__file__) # Get git info for a particular Python package """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() gitbranch = "Branch N/A" githash = "Hash N/A" gitdate = "Date N/A" try: # First, get the .git directory curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) while curpath: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curpath, ".git")): gitdir = os.path.join(curpath, ".git") break else: # pragma: no cover parent, _ = os.path.split(curpath) if parent == curpath: curpath = None else: curpath = parent else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Could not find .git directory") # Then, get the branch and commit with open(os.path.join(gitdir, "HEAD"), "r") as f1: ref = if ref.startswith("ref:"): refdir = ref.split(" ")[1].strip() # The path to the file with the commit gitbranch = refdir.replace("refs/heads/", "") # / is always used (not os.sep) with open(os.path.join(gitdir, refdir), "r") as f2: githash = # The hash of the commit else: # pragma: no cover gitbranch = "Detached head (no branch)" githash = ref.strip() # Now read the time from the commit with open(os.path.join(gitdir, "objects", githash[0:2], githash[2:]), "rb") as f3: compressed_contents = decompressed_contents = zlib.decompress(compressed_contents).decode() for line in decompressed_contents.split("\n"): if line.startswith("author"): _re_actor_epoch = re.compile(r"^.+? (.*) (\d+) ([+-]\d+).*$") m = actor, epoch, offset = m.groups() t = time.gmtime(int(epoch)) gitdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", t) except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover try: # Second, try importing gitpython import git rootdir = os.path.abspath(path) # e.g. /user/username/my/folder repo = git.Repo(path=rootdir, search_parent_directories=True) try: gitbranch = str( # Just make sure it's a string except TypeError: gitbranch = 'Detached head (no branch)' githash = str(repo.head.object.hexsha) gitdate = str(repo.head.object.authored_datetime.isoformat()) except Exception as E2: errormsg = f'''Could not extract git info; please check paths: Method 1 (direct read) error: {str(E)} Method 2 (gitpython) error: {str(E2)}''' if die: raise RuntimeError(errormsg) from E elif verbose: print(errormsg + f'\nError: {str(E)}') # Trim the hash, but not if loading failed if len(githash)>hashlen and 'N/A' not in githash: githash = githash[:hashlen] # Assemble output output = {"branch": gitbranch, "hash": githash, "date": gitdate} return output
[docs] def compareversions(version1, version2): """ Function to compare versions, expecting both arguments to be a string of the format 1.2.3, but numeric works too. Returns 0 for equality, -1 for v1<v2, and 1 for v1>v2. If ``version2`` starts with >, >=, <, <=, or ==, the function returns True or False depending on the result of the comparison. **Examples**:: sc.compareversions('1.2.3', '2.3.4') # returns -1 sc.compareversions(2, '2') # returns 0 sc.compareversions('3.1', '2.99') # returns 1 sc.compareversions('3.1', '>=2.99') # returns True sc.compareversions(mymodule.__version__, '>=1.0') # common usage pattern sc.compareversions(mymodule, '>=1.0') # alias to the above *New in version 1.2.1:* relational operators """ # Handle inputs if isinstance(version1, types.ModuleType): try: version1 = version1.__version__ except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'{version1} is a module, but does not have a __version__ attribute' raise AttributeError(errormsg) from E v1 = str(version1) v2 = str(version2) # Process version2 -- note that order matters, and two-char prefixes have to be handled first valid = None if v2.startswith('<='): valid = [0,-1] elif v2.startswith('>='): valid = [0,1] elif v2.startswith('=='): valid = [0] elif v2.startswith('~='): valid = [-1,1] elif v2.startswith('!='): valid = [-1,1] elif v2.startswith('<'): valid = [-1] elif v2.startswith('>'): valid = [1] elif v2.startswith('='): valid = [0] elif v2.startswith('!'): valid = [-1,1] elif v2.startswith('~'): # pragma: no cover errormsg = 'Loose version pinning is not supported; for not, use "~="' raise ValueError(errormsg) v2 = v2.lstrip('<>=!~') # Do comparison if pkgv.parse(v1) > pkgv.parse(v2): comparison = 1 elif pkgv.parse(v1) < pkgv.parse(v2): comparison = -1 else: comparison = 0 # Return if valid is None: return comparison else: tf = (comparison in valid) return tf
[docs] def getcaller(frame=2, tostring=True, includelineno=False, includeline=False, relframe=0, die=False): """ Try to get information on the calling function, but fail gracefully. See also :func:`sc.thisfile() <sciris.sc_fileio.thisfile>`. Frame 1 is the file calling this function, so not very useful. Frame 2 is the default assuming it is being called directly. Frame 3 is used if another function is calling this function internally. Args: frame (int): how many frames to descend (e.g. the caller of the caller of the...), default 2 tostring (bool): whether to return a string instead of a dict with filename and line number includelineno (bool): if ``tostring``, whether to also include the line number includeline (bool): if not ``tostring``, also store the line contents relframe (int): relative frame -- another way of specifying the frame; added to "frame" die (bool): whether to raise an exception if calling information cannot be retrieved Returns: output (str/dict): the filename (and line number) of the calling function, either as a string or dict **Examples**:: sc.getcaller() sc.getcaller(tostring=False)['filename'] # Equivalent to sc.getcaller() sc.getcaller(frame=3) # Descend one level deeper than usual sc.getcaller(frame=1, tostring=False, includeline=True) # See the line that called sc.getcaller() | *New in version 1.0.0.* | *New in version 1.3.3:* do not include line by default | *New in version 3.0.0:* "relframe" argument; "die" argument """ try: import inspect frame = frame + relframe result = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2) fname = str(result[frame][1]) lineno = result[frame][2] if tostring: output = f'{fname}' if includelineno: # pragma: no cover output += f', line {lineno}' else: output = {'filename':fname, 'lineno':lineno} if includeline: # pragma: no cover try: with open(fname) as f: lines = line = lines[lineno-1] # -1 since line numbers start at 1 output['line'] = line except: # Fail silently output['line'] = 'N/A' except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover if die: raise E else: if tostring: output = f'Calling function information not available ({str(E)})' else: output = {'filename':'N/A', 'lineno':'N/A'} return output
[docs] def metadata(outfile=None, version=None, comments=None, require=None, pipfreeze=True, user=True, caller=True, git=True, asdict=False, tostring=False, relframe=0, **kwargs): """ Collect common metadata: useful for exactly recreating (or remembering) the environment at a moment in time. Args: outfile (str): if not None, then save as JSON to this filename version (str): if supplied, the user-supplied version of the data being stored comments (str/dict): additional comments on the data to store require (str/dict): if provided, an additional manual set of requirements pipfreeze (bool): store the current Python environment, equivalent to "pip freeze" user (bool): store the username caller (bool): store info on the calling file git (bool): store git information on the calling file (branch, hash, etc.) asdict (bool): construct as a dict instead of an objdict tostring (bool): return a string rather than a dict relframe (int): how far to descend into the calling stack (if used directly, use 0; if called by another function, use 1; etc) kwargs (dict): any additional data to store (can be anything JSON-compatible) Returns: A dictionary with information on the date, plateform, executable, versions of key libraries (Sciris, Numpy, pandas, and Matplotlib), and the Python environment **Examples**:: metadata = sc.metadata() sc.compareversions(metadata.versions.pandas, '1.5.0') sc.metadata('my-metadata.json') # Save to disk *New in version 3.0.0.* """ # Additional imports import sys import platform import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl from .sc_version import __version__ # Handle type dict_fn = dict if asdict else sc.objdict # Get calling info calling_info = dict_fn(getcaller(relframe=relframe+1, tostring=False)) # Store metadata md = dict_fn( version = version, timestamp = sc.getdate(), user = sc.getuser() if user else None, system = dict_fn( platform = platform.platform(), executable = sys.executable, version = sys.version, ), versions = dict_fn( python = platform.python_version(), sciris = __version__, numpy = np.__version__, pandas = pd.__version__, matplotlib = mpl.__version__, ), calling_info = calling_info if caller else None, git_info = dict_fn(gitinfo(calling_info['filename'], die=False, verbose=False)) if git else None, pipfreeze = freeze() if pipfreeze else None, require = require, comments = comments, ) # Store any additional data md.update(kwargs) if outfile is not None: outfile = sc.makepath(outfile, makedirs=True) sc.savejson(outfile, md) if tostring: md = sc.jsonify(md, tostring=True, indent=2) return md
def _md_to_objdict(md): """ Convert a metadata dictionary into an objdict -- descend two levels but no deeper """ md = sc.objdict(md) for k,v in md.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): md[k] = sc.objdict(v) return md
[docs] def loadmetadata(filename, load_all=False, die=True): """ Read metadata from a saved image; currently only PNG and SVG are supported. Only for use with images saved with :func:`sc.savefig() <sciris.sc_plotting.savefig>`. Metadata retrieval for PDF is not currently supported. To load metadata saved with :func:`sc.metadata() <metadata>`, you can also use :func:`sc.loadjson() <sciris.sc_fileio.loadjson>` instead. To load metadata saved with :func:`sc.savearchive() <savearchive>`, use :func:`sc.loadarchive() <loadarchive>` instead. Args: filename (str): the name of the file to load the data from load_all (bool): whether to load all metadata available in an image (else, just load what was saved by Sciris) die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the metadata can't be found **Example**:: plt.plot([1,2,3], [4,2,6]) sc.savefig('example.png') sc.loadmetadata('example.png') """ # Initialize md = {} lcfn = str(filename).lower() # Lowercase filename # Handle bitmaps is_png = lcfn.endswith('png') is_jpg = lcfn.endswith('jpg') or lcfn.endswith('jpeg') if is_png or is_jpg: try: import PIL except ImportError as E: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Pillow import failed ({str(E)}), please install first (pip install pillow)' raise ImportError(errormsg) from E im = keys = # Usual case, can find metadata and is PNG if is_png and (load_all or _metadataflag in keys): if load_all: # pragma: no cover md = else: jsonstr =[_metadataflag] md = sc.loadjson(string=jsonstr) # JPG -- from elif is_jpg: # pragma: no cover from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS # Must be imported directly exifdata = im.getexif() for tag_id in exifdata: tag = TAGS.get(tag_id, tag_id) data = exifdata.get(tag_id) if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode() md[tag] = data # Can't find metadata else: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Could not find "{_metadataflag}": metadata can only be extracted from figures saved with sc.savefig().\nAvailable keys are: {sc.strjoin(keys)}' if die: raise ValueError(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) md = # Handle SVG elif lcfn.endswith('svg'): # pragma: no cover # Load SVG as text and parse it svg = sc.loadtext(filename).splitlines() flag = _metadataflag + '=' # Start of the line end = '</' found = False for line in svg: if flag in line: found = True break # Usual case, can find metadata if found: jsonstr = line[line.find(flag)+len(flag):line.find(end)] md = sc.loadjson(string=jsonstr) # Can't find metadata else: errormsg = f'Could not find the string "{_metadataflag}" anywhere in "{filename}": metadata can only be extracted from figures saved with sc.savefig()' if die: raise ValueError(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) # Load metadata saved with sc.metadata(), and convert it from dict to objdict elif lcfn.endswith('json'): md = _md_to_objdict(sc.loadjson(filename)) # Load metadata saved with sc.savearchive() elif lcfn.endswith('zip'): md = loadarchive(filename, loadobj=False, loadmetadata=True) # Other formats not supported else: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Filename "{filename}" has unsupported type: must be PNG, JPG, or SVG (PDF is not supported)' raise ValueError(errormsg) return md
[docs] def savearchive(filename, obj, files=None, folder=None, comments=None, require=None, user=True, caller=True, git=True, pipfreeze=True, method='dill', allow_nonzip=False, dumpargs=None, **kwargs): """ Save any object as a pickled zip file, including metadata as a separate JSON file. Pickles are usually not good for long-term data storage, since they rely on importing the libraries that were used to create the pickled object. This function partly addresses that by storing metadata along with the saved pickle. While there may still be issues opening the pickle, the metadata (which is stored separately) should give enough information to figure out how to reconstruct the original environment (allowing the pickle to be loaded, and then re-saved in a more persistent format if desired). Note: Since this function relies on pickle, it can potentially execute arbitrary code, so you should only use it with sources you trust. For more information, see: Args: filename (str/path): the file to save to (must end in .zip) obj (any): the object to save files (str/list): any additional files or folders to save comments (str/dict): other comments/information to store in the metadata (must be JSON-compatible) require (str/dict): if provided, an additional manual set of requirements caller (bool): store information on the current user in the metadata (see :func:`sc.metadata() <metadata>`) caller (bool): store information on the calling file in the metadata (see :func:`sc.metadata() <metadata>`) git (bool): store the git version in the metadata (see :func:`sc.metadata() <metadata>`) pipfreeze (bool): store the output of "pip freeze" in the metadata (see :func:`sc.metadata() <metadata>`) method (str): the method to use saving the data; default "dill" for more robustness, but "pickle" is faster allow_nonzip (bool): whether to permit extensions other than .zip (note, may cause problems!) dumpargs (dict): passed to :func:`sc.dumpstr() <sciris.sc_fileio.dumpstr>` kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`sc.savezip() <sciris.sc_fileio.savezip>` **Example**:: obj = MyClass() # Create an arbitrary object sc.savearchive('', obj) # Much later... obj = sc.loadarchive('') *New in version 3.0.0.* """ filename = sc.makepath(filename=filename, folder=folder, makedirs=True) # Check filename if not allow_nonzip: # pragma: no cover if filename.suffix != '.zip': errormsg = f'Your filename ends with "{filename.suffix}" rather than ".zip". If you are sure you want to do this, set allow_nonzip=True.' raise ValueError(errormsg) # Create the metadata, including storing the custom "method" attribute md = metadata(caller=caller, git=git, pipfreeze=pipfreeze, comments=comments, require=require, frame=3, method=method) # Convert both to strings dumpargs = sc.mergedicts({'method':method}, dumpargs) metadatastr = sc.jsonify(md, tostring=True, indent=2) datastr = sc.dumpstr(obj, **dumpargs) # Construct output datadict = {_metadata_filename:metadatastr, _obj_filename:datastr} return sc.savezip(filename=filename, files=files, data=datadict, tobytes=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def loadarchive(filename, folder=None, loadobj=True, loadmetadata=False, remapping=None, die=True, **kwargs): """ Load a zip file saved with :func:`sc.savearchive() <savearchive>`. **Note**: Since this function relies on pickle, it can potentially execute arbitrary code, so you should only use it with sources you trust. For more information, see: Args: filename (str/path): the file load to (usually ends in .zip) folder (str): optional additional folder to load from loadobj (bool): whether to load the saved object loadmetadata (bool): whether to load the metadata as well remapping (dict): any known module remappings between the saved pickle version and the current libraries die (bool): whether to fail if an exception is raised (else, just return the metadata) kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`sc.load() <sciris.sc_fileio.load>` Returns: If loadobj=True and loadmetadata=False, return the object; If loadobj=False and loadmetadata=True, return the metadata If loadobj=True and loadmetadata=True, return a dictionary of both **Example**:: obj = MyClass() # Create an arbitrary object sc.savearchive('', obj) # Much later... data = sc.loadarchive('', loadmetadata=True) metadata, obj = data['metadata'], data['obj'] Note: This function expects the zip file to contain two files in it, one called "metadata.json" and one called "sciris_pickle.obj". If you need to change these, you can manually modify ``sc.sc_versioning._metadata_filename`` and ``sc.sc_versioning._obj_filename``, respectively. However, you almost certainly should not do so! *New in version 3.0.0.* """ filename = sc.makefilepath(filename=filename, folder=folder, makedirs=False) # Open the zip file try: zf = ZipFile(filename, 'r') # Create the zip file except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover exc = type(E) errormsg = 'Could not open zip file: ensure the filename is correct and of the right type; see error above for details' raise exc(errormsg) from E # Read the zip file obj = None with zf: # Read in the strings try: metadatastr = except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover exc = type(E) errormsg = f'Could not load metadata file "{_metadata_filename}": are you sure this is a Sciris-versioned data zipfile?' raise exc(errormsg) from E # Load the metadata first try: md = _md_to_objdict(sc.loadjson(string=metadatastr)) except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover errormsg = 'Could not parse the metadata as a JSON file; see error above for details' raise ValueError(errormsg) from E # Now try loading the actual data if loadobj: try: datastr = except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover exc = type(E) errormsg = f'Could not load object file "{_obj_filename}": are you sure this is a Sciris-versioned data zipfile? To debug using metadata, set die=False' if die: raise exc(errormsg) from E else: warnmsg = 'Exception encountered opening the object, returning metadata only' warnings.warn(warnmsg, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=2) return md # Convert into Python objects -- the most likely step where this can go wrong try: method = md.get('method', None) reqs = md.get('require', None) obj = sc.loadstr(datastr, method=method, remapping=remapping, **kwargs) # Load with original remappings if reqs: require(reqs=reqs, die=False, warn=True) # Don't die, but print warnings except: # pragma: no cover try: remapping = sc.mergedicts(remapping, sc.known_fixes) obj = sc.loadstr(datastr, remapping=remapping, verbose=True, **kwargs) # Load with all remappings except Exception as E: exc = type(E) errormsg = 'Could not unpickle the object: to debug using metadata, set die=False' if die: raise exc(errormsg) from E else: warnmsg = 'Exception encountered unpickling the object, returning metadata only' warnings.warn(warnmsg, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=2) return md # Handle output if loadobj and not loadmetadata: return obj elif loadmetadata and not loadobj: return md elif loadmetadata and loadobj: return dict(metadata=md, obj=obj) else: # pragma: no cover errormsg = 'No return value specified; you must load the object, metadata, or both' raise ValueError(errormsg)