Printing/notification functions.
- :func:`sc.heading() <heading>`: print text as a 'large' heading
- :func:`sc.colorize() <colorize>`: print text in a certain color
- :func:`sc.pr() <pr>`: print full representation of an object, including methods and each attribute
- :func:`sc.sigfig() <sigfig>`: truncate a number to a certain number of significant figures
- :func:`sc.progressbar() <progressbar>`: show a (text-based) progress bar
- :func:`sc.capture() <capture>`: capture text output (e.g., stdout) as a variable
import io
import os
import sys
import types
import time
import tqdm
import pprint
import inspect
import warnings
import numpy as np
import collections as co
from textwrap import fill
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
import sciris as sc
import sciris.sc_utils as scu
from ._extras import ansicolors as ac
# Add Windows support for colors (do this at the module level so that colorama.init() only gets called once)
if sc.iswindows(): # pragma: no cover # NB: can't use startswith() because of 'cygwin'
import colorama
ansi_support = True
ansi_support = False
ansi_support = True
#%% Object display functions
__all__ = ['createcollist', 'objectid', 'classatt', 'objatt', 'objmeth', 'objprop',
'objrepr', 'prepr', 'pr', 'prettyobj', 'quickobj']
_ncol = 3 # Default number of columns to display
_strlen = 22 # Default string length for a 3-column display
_dividerlen = 72 # Length of the divider between printed sections
def createcollist(items, title=None, strlen=_strlen, ncol=_ncol):
""" Creates a string for a nice columnated list (e.g. to use in __repr__ method) """
if len(items):
nrow = int(np.ceil(float(len(items))/ncol))
newkeys = []
for x in range(nrow):
newkeys += items[x::nrow]
string = title + ':' if title else ''
c = 0
for x in newkeys:
if c%ncol == 0: string += '\n '
if len(x) > strlen: x = x[:strlen-3] + '...'
string += '%-*s ' % (strlen,x)
c += 1
string += '\n'
string = ''
return string
def objectid(obj, showclasses=False):
Return the object ID as per the default Python ``__repr__`` method
*New in version 3.1.0:* "showclasses" argument
c = obj.__class__
output = f'<{c.__module__}.{c.__name__} at {hex(id(obj))}>\n'
if showclasses:
mro = c.mro()
if len(mro) > 1: # Remove 'object' unless it's the only class
mro = mro[:-1]
output += f'{mro}\n'
return output
def _get_obj_keys(obj, private=False, sort=True, use_dir=False):
""" Helper method to get the keys of an object """
# Get the list of keys
if use_dir: # This forces the use of dir(), as opposed to checking for dict or slots
keys = obj.__dir__() # This is the unsorted version of dir()
if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): keys = obj.__dict__.keys()
elif hasattr(obj, '__slots__'): keys = obj.__slots__
else: keys = [] # pragma: no cover
if isinstance(private, str):
private = [private]
# Sort by private keys
if not private:
keys = [k for k in keys if not k.startswith('__')]
elif isinstance(private, list):
keys = [k for k in keys if (not k.startswith('__') or k in private)]
# Optionally sort
if sort:
keys = sorted(keys)
return list(keys) # Sometimes dict_keys
def _is_meth(obj, attr, die=False):
Helper function to check if an attribute is a method; do not distinguish between bound and unbound
| *New in version 3.2.0:* use method and function types instead of callable()
obj = getattr(obj, attr, None)
return isinstance(obj, (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType)) # Equivalent to sc.isfunc()
except Exception as E:
if die:
raise E
return False
def _is_prop(obj, attr, die=False):
""" Helper function to check if an attribute is a property """
obj = getattr(type(obj), attr, None)
return isinstance(obj, property)
except Exception as E:
if die:
raise E
return False
def objatt(obj, strlen=_strlen, ncol=_ncol, private=False, sort=True, _keys=None, return_keys=False):
""" Return a sorted string of object attributes for the Python __repr__ method; see :func:`sc.prepr() <prepr>` for options """
keys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort) if _keys is None else _keys
if return_keys:
return keys
output = createcollist(keys, 'Attributes', strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol)
return output
def classatt(obj, strlen=_strlen, ncol=_ncol, private=False, sort=True, _objkeys=None, _dirkeys=None, return_keys=False):
""" Return a sorted string of class attributes for the Python __repr__ method; see :func:`sc.prepr() <prepr>` for options """
objkeys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=False) if _objkeys is None else _objkeys
dirkeys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=True) if _dirkeys is None else _dirkeys
keys = set(dirkeys) - set(objkeys) # Find attributes in dir() that are not in __dict__
keys = list(filter(keys.__contains__, dirkeys)) # Maintain original ordering
keys = [k for k in keys if not (_is_meth(obj, k) or _is_prop(obj, k))]
if return_keys:
return keys
output = createcollist(keys, 'Class attributes', strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol)
return output
def objmeth(obj, strlen=_strlen, ncol=_ncol, private=False, sort=True, _keys=None, return_keys=False):
""" Return a sorted string of object methods for the Python __repr__ method; see :func:`sc.prepr() <prepr>` for options """
try: # In very rare cases this fails, so put it in a try-except loop
_keys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=True) if _keys is None else _keys
keys = sorted([meth + '()' for meth in _keys if _is_meth(obj, meth)])
if return_keys:
return _keys
except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover
keys = [f'Methods N/A ({E})']
output = createcollist(keys, 'Methods', strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol)
return output
def objprop(obj, strlen=_strlen, ncol=_ncol, private=False, sort=True, _keys=None, return_keys=False):
""" Return a sorted string of object properties for the Python __repr__ method; see :func:`sc.prepr() <prepr>` for options """
try: # In very rare cases this fails, so put it in a try-except loop
_keys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=True) if _keys is None else _keys
keys = [prop for prop in _keys if _is_prop(obj, prop)]
if return_keys:
return keys
except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover
keys = [f'Properties N/A ({E})']
output = createcollist(keys, 'Properties', strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol)
return output
def objrepr(obj, showid=True, showmeth=True, showprop=True, showatt=True, showclassatt=True,
private=False, sort=True, dividerchar='—', dividerlen=_dividerlen, strlen=_strlen, ncol=_ncol,
_objkeys=None, _dirkeys=None):
Print out a detailed representation of an object: methods, properties, attributes, etc.
Similar to ``sc.prepr(obj, vals=False)``.
See :func:`sc.prepr() <prepr>` for an explanation of arguments.
# Call the object twice to get the keys
objkeys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=False) if _objkeys is None else _objkeys
dirkeys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=True) if _dirkeys is None else _dirkeys
divider = dividerchar*dividerlen + '\n'
output = ''
def assemble(show, string):
""" Helper function to construct the string """
return string + divider if (show and string) else ''
# Assemble the output string
output += assemble(showid, objectid(obj, showclasses=True))
output += assemble(showmeth, objmeth(obj, strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol, _keys=dirkeys))
output += assemble(showprop, objprop(obj, strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol, _keys=dirkeys))
output += assemble(showatt, objatt(obj, strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol, _keys=objkeys))
output += assemble(showclassatt, classatt(obj, strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol, _objkeys=objkeys, _dirkeys=dirkeys))
return output
def prepr(obj, vals=True, maxlen=None, maxitems=None, skip=None, dividerchar='—', dividerlen=_dividerlen, use_repr=True,
private=False, sort=True, strlen=_strlen, ncol=_ncol, maxtime=3, maxrecurse=5, die=False, debug=False):
Pretty-print a detailed representation of an object.
This function returns a pretty (and pretty detailed) representation of an object --
all attributes (except any that are skipped), plus methods and ID.
This function is usually used via the interactive :func:`sc.pr() <pr>` (which prints),
rather than this function (which returns a string).
obj (anything): the object to be represented
vals (bool): whether to show attribute values (else, just list attributes; similar to :func:`sc.objrepr() <objrepr>`)
maxlen (int): maximum number of characters to show for each attribute
maxitems (int): maximum number of attribute to show in the object
skip (list): any attributes to skip
dividerchar (str): divider for methods, attributes, etc.
dividerlen (int): number of divider characters
use_repr (bool): whether to use repr() or str() to parse the object
private (bool): whether to include private methods/attributes (those starting with "__")
maxtime (float): maximum amount of time (in seconds) to spend on trying to print the object
maxrecurse (int): maximum number of levels to descend in the object (set to 0 to turn off the check)
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if an error is encountered
debug (bool): print out detail during string construction
| *New in version 3.0.0:* "debug" argument
| *New in version 3.1.4:* more robust handling of invalid object properties
| *New in version 3.1.5:* "vals" argument to turn off printing attribute values
| *New in version 3.1.6:* "maxrecurse" argument, and checking for recursion
# Default options
df = sc.dataframe(a=[1,2,3], b=[4,5,6])
print(df) # See just the data
sc.pr(df) # See all the methods too
sc.pr(df, vals=False) # Only see methods, not the values
# Demonstrate options
obj = sc.prettyobj({k:k for k in [l + str(n) for n in range(10) for l in 'abcde']}) # Big object
sc.pr(obj, maxitems=20, sort=False, dividerchar='•', dividerlen=43, private=True)
# Check recursion before we proceed -- adds about 2-5 ms per call, but prevents infinite recursion
if maxrecurse:
frames = inspect.stack()[:maxrecurse*10] # Only get the most recent frames
matches = sum([frame.function in ('prepr', '__repr__', '__str__') for frame in frames])
if matches > maxrecurse:
string = f'[sc.prepr(): not shown, recursion exceeded ({matches}>{maxrecurse})]' # This is unlikely to ever be seen since it's deep within the object
return string
# Decide how to handle representation function -- repr is dangerous since can lead to recursion
repr_fn = repr if use_repr else str
T = time.time() # Start the timer
time_exceeded = False
# Handle input arguments
divider = dividerchar*dividerlen + '\n'
if maxlen is None: maxlen = 80
if maxitems is None: maxitems = 100
if skip is None: skip = []
else: skip = sc.tolist(skip)
# Initialize things to print out
labels = []
values = []
# Call the object twice to get the keys
objkeys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=False)
dirkeys = _get_obj_keys(obj, private=private, sort=sort, use_dir=True)
# Wrap entire process for getting attribute strings in a try-except in case it fails
E1, E2, E3 = None, None, None
kw = dict(private=private, sort=sort, dividerchar=dividerchar, dividerlen=dividerlen, strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol)
if not (hasattr(obj, '__dict__') or hasattr(obj, '__slots__')): # pragma: no cover
# It's a plain object
labels = [f'{type(obj)}']
values = [repr_fn(obj)]
labels = objkeys
labels += classatt(obj, private=private, sort=sort, return_keys=True, _objkeys=objkeys, _dirkeys=dirkeys)
if skip is not None:
diff = set(labels) - set(skip)
labels = list(filter(diff.__contains__, labels))
if debug: # pragma: no cover
print(f'Working on {len(labels)} entries...')
if not len(labels):
extraitems = 0
else: # Usual case
extraitems = max(0, len(labels) - maxitems)
if extraitems > 0:
labels = labels[:maxitems]
# Get the values of the attributes
values = []
if vals:
for a,attr in enumerate(labels):
if debug: # pragma: no cover
tdiff = time.time() - T
print(f' Working on attribute {a}: {attr}... ({tdiff:0.3f})')
if (time.time() - T) < maxtime:
try: # Be especially robust in getting individual attributes
value = getattr(obj, attr)
except Exception as E:
value = 'N/A' # pragma: no cover
if die:
raise E
try: # Separately, be robust about getting their attributes
value = repr_fn(value)
except Exception as E:
value = object.__repr__(value) # pragma: no cover
if die:
raise E
labels = labels[:a]
labels.append('etc. (time exceeded)')
values.append(f'{len(labels)-a} entries not shown')
time_exceeded = True
if extraitems > 0:
labels.append('etc. (too many items)')
values.append(f'{extraitems} entries not shown')
# Decide how to print them
maxkeylen = 0
if len(labels):
maxkeylen = max([len(label) for label in labels]) # Find the maximum length of the attribute keys
if maxkeylen<maxlen:
maxlen = maxlen - maxkeylen # Shorten the amount of data shown if the keys are long
formatstr = f'%{maxkeylen}s' # Assemble the format string for the keys, e.g. '%21s'
# Actually get the methods
output = objrepr(obj, showatt=False, showclassatt=False, _objkeys=objkeys, _dirkeys=dirkeys, **kw)
if not len(labels):
output += 'No attributes\n'
if vals:
for label,value in zip(labels,values): # Loop over each attribute
if len(value)>maxlen: value = value[:maxlen] + ' [...]' # Shorten it
prefix = formatstr%label + ': ' # The format key
output += indent(prefix, value)
output += createcollist(labels, 'Attributes', strlen=strlen, ncol=ncol)
output += divider
if time_exceeded:
timestr = f'\nNote: the object did not finish printing within maxtime={maxtime} s.\n'
timestr += 'To see the full object, call prepr() with increased maxtime.'
output += timestr
# If that failed, try progressively simpler approaches
except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover
E1 = E
if die:
errormsg = 'Failed to create pretty representation of object'
raise RuntimeError(errormsg) from E
try: # Next try the objrepr, which is the same except doesn't print attribute values
output = objrepr(obj, **kw)
output += f'\nWarning: showing simplified output since full repr failed {str(E)}'
except Exception as E: # If that fails, try the most basic object representation
E2 = E
output = object.__repr__(obj)
if any([E is not None for E in [E1, E2, E3]]):
warnmsg = f'Exception(s) encountered displaying object {objectid(obj)}:\n'
if E1 is not None: warnmsg += f'{E1}\n'
if E2 is not None: warnmsg += f'{E2}\n'
if E3 is not None: warnmsg += f'{E3}\n'
warnings.warn(warnmsg, category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
return output
def pr(obj, *args, **kwargs):
Pretty-print a detailed representation of an object ("pr" is short for "print repr").
See :func:`sc.prepr() <prepr>` for arguments and examples.
Note: :func:`sc.prepr() <prepr>` creates a string, while ``sc.pr()`` prints
the output, i.e. ``sc.pr(obj)`` is an alias to ``print(sc.prepr(obj))``.
print(prepr(obj, *args, **kwargs))
class prettyobj:
Use pretty repr for objects, instead of just showing the type and memory pointer
(the Python default for objects). Can also be used as the base class for custom
See :class:`sc.quickobj() <quickobj>` for a similar class that does not print
attribute values (better for large objects that take a while to display).
args (dict): dictionaries which are used to assign attributes
kwargs (any): can also be used to assign attributes
**Example 1**::
myobj = sc.prettyobj(a=3)
# <sciris.sc_printing.prettyobj at 0x7fbba4a97f40>
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# Methods:
# Methods N/A
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# a: 3
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
**Example 2**::
myobj = sc.prettyobj(a=3)
myobj.b = {'a':6}
# <sciris.sc_printing.prettyobj at 0x7ffa1e243910>
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# Methods:
# Methods N/A
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# a: 3
# b: {'a': 6}
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
**Example 3**::
class MyObj(sc.prettyobj):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def mult(self):
return self.a * self.b
myobj = MyObj(a=4, b=6)
# <__main__.MyObj at 0x7fd9acd96c10>
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# Methods:
# mult()
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# a: 4
# b: 6
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
| *New in version 2.0.0:* allow positional arguments
| *New in version 3.1.4:* moved from sc_utils to sc_printing
| *New in version 3.1.6:* linked back to sc_utils to prevent unpickling errors
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Simple initialization """
kwargs = sc.mergedicts(*args, kwargs)
for k,v in kwargs.items():
self.__dict__[k] = v
def __repr__(self):
""" The point of this class: use a more detailed repr by default """
return prepr(self)
# Handle deprecation so loading old pickles still works
scu.prettyobj = prettyobj
class quickobj(prettyobj):
Like :class:`sc.prettyobj() <prettyobj>`, but do not print attribute values.
This class is better for large objects that take a while to display. It is
somewhat similar to calling dir() on an object.
This class also defines a ``disp()`` method, which calls :func:`sc.pr() <pr>` on the object.
import numpy as np
myobj = sc.quickobj(big1=np.random.rand(100,100), big2=sc.dataframe(a=np.arange(1000)))
| *New in version 3.1.5.*
def __repr__(self):
""" Use a more detailed repr than default, but less detailed that prettyobj """
return prepr(self, vals=False)
def disp(self, output=False, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return full display of the object """
string = prepr(self, *args, **kwargs)
if output:
return string
#%% Spacing functions
__all__ += ['blank', 'indent']
def blank(n=3):
""" Tiny function to print n blank lines, 3 by default """
def indent(prefix=None, text=None, suffix='\n', n=0, pretty=False, width=70, **kwargs):
Small wrapper to make textwrap more user friendly.
prefix (str): text to begin with (optional)
text (str): text to wrap
suffix (str): what to put on the end (by default, a newline)
n (int): if prefix is not specified, the size of the indent
pretty (bool): whether to use pprint to format the text
width (int): maximum width before wrapping (if None, don't wrap)
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`textwrap.fill()`
prefix = 'and then they said: '
text = 'blah '*100
print(sc.indent(prefix, text))
print('my fave is: ' + sc.indent(text=rand(100), n=12))
*New in version 1.3.1:* more flexibility in arguments
# If "prefix" is given but text isn't, swap them
if text is None and prefix is not None: # pragma: no cover
text, prefix = prefix, text
# Handle prefix and width
if prefix is None: prefix = ' '*n
if width is None: width = 999_999
# Get text in the right format -- i.e. a string
if pretty: text = pprint.pformat(text)
else: text = sc.flexstr(text)
# If there is no newline in the text, process the output normally.
if text.find('\n') == -1:
output = fill(text, initial_indent=prefix, subsequent_indent=' '*len(prefix), width=width, **kwargs)+suffix
# Otherwise, handle each line separately and splice together the output.
textlines = text.split('\n')
output = ''
for i, textline in enumerate(textlines):
if i == 0:
theprefix = prefix
theprefix = ' '*len(prefix)
output += fill(textline, initial_indent=theprefix, subsequent_indent=' '*len(prefix), width=width, **kwargs)+suffix
if n: output = output[n:] # Need to remove the fake prefix
return output
#%% Data representation functions
__all__ += ['sigfig', 'sigfigs', 'sigfiground', 'arraymean', 'arraymedian', 'printmean', 'printmedian',
'humanize_bytes', 'printarr', 'printdata', 'printvars']
def sigfig(x, sigfigs=4, SI=False, sep=False, keepints=False):
Return a string representation of variable x with sigfigs number of significant figures
Note: :func:`sc.sigfig() <sigfig>` and :func:`sc.sigfigs() <sigfigs>` are aliases.
x (int/float/list/arr): the number(s) to round
sigfigs (int): number of significant figures to round to
SI (bool): whether to use SI notation (only for numbers >1)
sep (bool/str): if provided, use as thousands separator
keepints (bool): never round ints
x = 3432.3842
sc.sigfig(x, SI=True) # Returns '3.432k'
sc.sigfig(x, sep=True) # Returns '3,432'
vals = np.random.rand(5)
sc.sigfig(vals, sigfigs=3)
*New in version 3.0.0:* changed default number of significant figures from 5 to 4; return list rather than tuple; changed SI suffixes to uppercase
output = []
islist = sc.isiterable(x)
istuple = isinstance(x, tuple)
xlist = x if islist else sc.tolist(x)
for x in xlist:
suffix = ''
formats = [(1e18,'e18'), (1e15,'e15'), (1e12,'T'), (1e9,'B'), (1e6,'M'), (1e3,'K')]
if SI:
for val,suff in formats:
if abs(x) >= val:
x = x/val
suffix = suff
break # Find at most one match
if x == 0:
elif sigfigs is None:
elif x > (10**sigfigs) and not SI and keepints: # e.g. x = 23432.23, sigfigs=3, output is 23432
roundnumber = int(round(x))
if sep: string = format(roundnumber, ',')
else: string = f'{x:0.0f}'
magnitude = np.floor(np.log10(abs(x)))
factor = 10**(sigfigs-magnitude-1)
x = round(x*factor)/float(factor)
digits = int(abs(magnitude) + max(0, sigfigs - max(0,magnitude) - 1) + 1 + (x<0) + (abs(x)<1)) # one because, one for decimal, one for minus
decimals = int(max(0,-magnitude+sigfigs-1))
strformat = '%' + f'{digits}.{decimals}' + 'f'
string = strformat % x
if sep: # To insert separators in the right place, have to convert back to a number
if decimals>0: roundnumber = float(string)
else: roundnumber = int(string)
string = format(roundnumber, ',') # Allow comma separator
string += suffix
except: # pragma: no cover
if islist:
if istuple:
output = tuple(output)
return output
return output[0]
# Alias to avoid confusion
sigfigs = sigfig
def sigfiground(x, sigfigs=4):
Round number(s) to the specified number of significant figures.
x (int/float/list/arr): the number(s) to round
sigfigs (int): number of significant figures to round to
sc.sigfiground(3.28343) # Returns 3.283
sc.sigfiground(834_875, 5) # Returns 834880
sc.sigfiground([3.28343, 834_874, 0, -83_742], 2) # Returns [3.3, 830000, 0, -84000]
| *New in version 3.2.0.*
def round_arr(arr, sigfigs):
""" Function for rounding a single number """
out = arr.copy() # Preallocate output
inds = np.nonzero(arr) # Skip zero indices
nzarr = arr[inds] # Pull out those values
magnitude = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(nzarr))) # Determine the order of magnitude of the number
exponent = sigfigs - magnitude - 1 # Convert to an exponent
factor = 10**exponent # Calculate the factor to scale the number
rndarr = np.round(nzarr*factor)/factor # Round the scaled number and scale it back
out[inds] = rndarr # Put the rounded numbers back in the array
if np.all(exponent <= 0): # They're all integers
out = out.astype(np.int64)
return out
# Process inputs
arr = sc.toarray(x)
out = round_arr(arr, sigfigs) # Do the rounding
if sc.isnumber(x): out = out[0]
elif isinstance(x, list):
out = out.tolist()
out = [int(x) if x.is_integer() else x for x in out] # Allow mix of ints and floats
return out
def arraymean(data, stds=2, axis=None, mean_sf=None, err_sf=None, tostring=True, doprint=False, **kwargs):
Quickly calculate the mean and standard deviation of an array.
By default, will calculate the correct number of significant figures based on
the deviation. The default is to multiply the standard deviation by 2, as an
approximation of the 95% confidence level (z=1.96).
data (array): the data to summarize
stds (int): the number of multiples of the standard deviation to show (default 2)
axis (int): the axis of the data to operate on (default None)
mean_sf (int): if provided, use this number of significant figures for the mean rather than the auto-calculated
err_sf (int): ditto, but for the error (standard deviation)
doprint (bool): whether to print (else, return the string)
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`sc.sigfig() <sigfig>`
data = [1210, 1072, 1722, 1229, 1902]
sc.arraymean(data) # Returns 1430 ± 320
| *New in version 3.0.0.*
| *New in version 3.2.0:* "axis" argument, "tostring" argument (allow numerical output)
vsf = mean_sf # vsf = "value significant figures"
esf = err_sf if err_sf is not None else 2
data = sc.toarray(data)
val = data.mean(axis=axis)
err = data.std(axis=axis)*stds
relsize = np.floor(np.log10(abs(val))) - np.floor(np.log10(abs(err)))
if vsf is None:
vsf = esf + relsize
elif vsf is not None and err_sf is None:
esf = min(vsf, vsf - relsize)
if tostring:
valstr = sigfig(val, vsf, **kwargs)
errstr = sigfig(err, esf, **kwargs)
string = f'{valstr} ± {errstr}'
if doprint:
return string
valnum = sigfiground(val, vsf)
errnum = sigfiground(err, esf)
return valnum, errnum
def printmean(*args, doprint=True, **kwargs):
""" Alias to :func:`sc.arraymean() <arraymean>` with doprint=True """
return arraymean(*args, doprint=doprint, **kwargs)
def humanize_bytes(bytesize, decimals=3):
Convert a number of bytes into a human-readable total.
bytesize (int): the number of bytes
decimals (int): the number of decimal places to show
sc.humansize(2.3423887e6, decimals=2) # Returns '2.34 MB'
See the humansize library for more flexibility.
*New in version 3.0.0.*
# Convert to string
factor = 1
label = 'B'
labels = ['KB','MB','GB']
for i,f in enumerate([3,6,9]):
if bytesize >= 10**f:
factor = 10**f
label = labels[i]
if factor == 1:
decimals = 0 # Do not show decimals for bytes
humansize = float(bytesize/float(factor))
string = f'{humansize:0.{decimals}f} {label}'
return string
def printarr(arr, fmt=None, colsep=' ', vsep='—', decimals=2, doprint=True, dtype=None):
Print a numpy array nicely.
arr (array): the array to print
fmt (str): the formatting string to use
colsep (str): the separator between columns of values
vsep (str): the vertical separator between 2D slices
decimals (int): number of decimal places to print
doprint (bool): whether to print (else, return the string)
numeric = np.random.randn(3,7,4)**10
mixed = np.array([['cat', 'nudibranch'], [23, 2423482]], dtype=object)
*New in version 2.0.3:* "fmt", "colsep", "vsep", "decimals", and "dtype" arguments
*New in version 3.0.0:* "doprint" argument
from . import sc_math as scm # To avoid circular import
string = ''
arr = sc.toarray(arr, dtype=dtype)
if fmt is None:
if arr.dtype == object: # pragma: no cover
maxdigits = max([len(str(v)) for v in arr.flatten()])
fmt = f'%{maxdigits}s'
maxdigits = sc.numdigits(arr.max())
if arr.dtype == float:
fmt = f'%{maxdigits+decimals+1}.{decimals}f'
else: # pragma: no cover
fmt = f'%{maxdigits}.0f'
if np.ndim(arr)==1:
for i in range(len(arr)):
string += fmt % arr[i] + colsep
string += '\n'
elif np.ndim(arr)==2:
for i in range(len(arr)):
string += printarr(arr[i], fmt, colsep, doprint=False) + '\n'
elif np.ndim(arr)==3:
for i in range(len(arr)):
ncols = len(arr[i][0])
vlen = len(fmt % arr.flatten()[0])
seplen = len(colsep)
n = ncols*(vlen + seplen) - seplen
string += vsep*n + '\n'
for j in range(len(arr[i])):
string += printarr(arr[i][j], fmt, colsep, doprint=False)
else: # pragma: no cover
print('Dimensions higher than 3 are not supported')
string = str(arr) # Give up
if doprint:
return string
def printdata(data, name='Variable', depth=1, maxlen=40, indent='', level=0, showcontents=False): # pragma: no cover
Nicely print a complicated data structure, a la Matlab.
Note: this function is deprecated.
data: the data to display
name: the name of the variable (automatically read except for first one)
depth: how many levels of recursion to follow
maxlen: number of characters of data to display (if 0, don't show data)
indent: where to start the indent (used internally)
Version: 2015aug21
datatype = type(data)
def printentry(data):
if datatype==dict: string = (f'dict with {len(data.keys())} keys')
elif datatype==list: string = (f'list of length {len(data)}')
elif datatype==tuple: string = (f'tuple of length {len(data)}')
elif datatype==np.ndarray: string = (f'array of shape {np.shape(data)}')
elif datatype.__name__=='module': string = (f'module with {len(dir(data))} components')
elif datatype.__name__=='class': string = (f'class with {len(dir(data))} components')
else: string = datatype.__name__
if showcontents and maxlen>0:
datastring = ' | '+sc.flexstr(data)
if len(datastring)>maxlen: datastring = datastring[:maxlen] + ' <etc> ' + datastring[-maxlen:]
else: datastring=''
return string+datastring
string = printentry(data).replace('\n',' ') # Remove newlines
print(level*'..' + indent + name + ' | ' + string)
if depth>0:
level += 1
if type(data)==dict:
keys = data.keys()
maxkeylen = max([len(key) for key in keys])
for key in keys:
thisindent = ' '*(maxkeylen-len(key))
printdata(data[key], name=key, depth=depth-1, indent=indent+thisindent, level=level)
elif type(data) in [list, tuple]:
for i in range(len(data)):
printdata(data[i], name='[%i]'%i, depth=depth-1, indent=indent, level=level)
elif type(data).__name__ in ['module', 'class']:
keys = dir(data)
maxkeylen = max([len(key) for key in keys])
for key in keys:
if key[0]!='_': # Skip these
thisindent = ' '*(maxkeylen-len(key))
printdata(getattr(data,key), name=key, depth=depth-1, indent=indent+thisindent, level=level)
def printvars(localvars=None, varlist=None, label=None, divider=True, spaces=1, color=None):
Print out a list of variables. Note that the first argument must be locals().
localvars: function must be called with locals() as first argument
varlist: the list of variables to print out
label: optional label to print out, so you know where the variables came from
divider: whether or not to offset the printout with a spacer (i.e. ------)
spaces: how many spaces to use between variables
color: optionally label the variable names in color so they're easier to see
>>> a = range(5)
>>> b = 'example'
>>> sc.printvars(locals(), ['a','b'], color='green')
Another useful usage case is to print out the kwargs for a function:
>>> sc.printvars(locals(), kwargs.keys())
Version: 2017oct28
varlist = sc.tolist(varlist) # Make sure it's actually a list
dividerstr = '-'*40
if label: print(f'Variables for {label}:')
if divider: print(dividerstr)
for varnum,varname in enumerate(varlist):
controlstr = f'{varnum}. "{varname}": ' # Basis for the control string -- variable number and name
if color: controlstr = colorize(color, output=True) + controlstr + colorize('reset', output=True) # Optionally add color
if spaces>1: controlstr += '\n' # Add a newline if the variables are going to be on different lines
try: controlstr += f'{localvars[varname]}' # The variable to be printed
except: controlstr += 'Warning, could not be printed' # In case something goes wrong # pragma: no cover
controlstr += '\n' * spaces # The number of spaces to add between variables
print(controlstr), # Print it out
if divider: print(dividerstr) # If necessary, print the divider again
#%% Color functions
__all__ += ['colorize', 'heading', 'printred', 'printyellow', 'printgreen',
'printcyan', 'printblue', 'printmagenta']
def colorize(color=None, string=None, doprint=None, output=False, enable=True, showhelp=False, fg=None, bg=None, style=None):
Colorize output text.
color (str): the color you want (use 'bg' with background colors, e.g. 'bgblue'); alternatively, use fg, bg, and style
string (str): the text to be colored
doprint (bool): whether to print the string (default true unless output)
output (bool): whether to return the modified version of the string (default false)
enable (bool): switch to allow :func:`sc.colorize() <colorize>` to be easily turned off without converting to a :func:`print()` statement
showhelp (bool): show help rather than changing colors
fg (str): foreground colour
bg (str): background colour
style (str): font style (eg, italic, underline, bold)
sc.colorize('green', 'hi') # Simple example
sc.colorize(['yellow', 'bgblack']); print('Hello world'); print('Goodbye world'); colorize() # Colorize all output in between
bluearray = sc.colorize(color='blue', string=str(range(5)), output=True); print("c'est bleu: " + bluearray)
sc.colorize('magenta') # Now type in magenta for a while
sc.colorize() # Stop typing in magenta
sc.colorize('cat in the hat', fg='#ffa044', bg='blue', style='italic+underline') # Alternate usage example
To get available colors, type :func:`sc.colorize(showhelp=True) <colorize>`.
| *New in version 1.3.1:* "doprint" argument; ansicolors shortcut
# Handle short-circuit case
if not enable: # pragma: no cover
if output:
return string
# Decide which path we'll be taking
ansistring = ''
alt_usage = (fg is not None) or (bg is not None) or (style is not None)
# Handle alternate usage pattern -- string as first argument rather than color, so swap
if alt_usage:
if string is None and color is not None:
string, color = color, string
if color is not None: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = 'You can supply either color or fg, but not both'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
if ansi_support: ansistring = ac.color(s=string, fg=fg, bg=bg, style=style) # Actually apply color
else: ansistring = str(string) # Otherwise, just return the string # pragma: no cover
# Original use case
# Define ANSI colors
ansicolors = co.OrderedDict([
('black', '30'),
('red', '31'),
('green', '32'),
('yellow', '33'),
('blue', '34'),
('magenta', '35'),
('cyan', '36'),
('gray', '37'),
('bgblack', '40'),
('bgred', '41'),
('bggreen', '42'),
('bgyellow', '43'),
('bgblue', '44'),
('bgmagenta', '45'),
('bgcyan', '46'),
('bggray', '47'),
('reset', '0'),
for key, val in ansicolors.items():
ansicolors[key] = '\033[' + val + 'm'
# Determine what color to use
colorlist = sc.tolist(color) # Make sure it's a list
for color in colorlist:
if color not in ansicolors.keys(): # pragma: no cover
print(f'Color "{color}" is not available, use colorize(showhelp=True) to show options.')
return # Don't proceed if the color isn't found
ansicolor = ''
for color in colorlist:
ansicolor += ansicolors[color]
# Modify string, if supplied
if string is None: ansistring = ansicolor # Just return the color
else: ansistring = ansicolor + str(string) + ansicolors['reset'] # Add to start and end of the string
if not ansi_support: # pragma: no cover
ansistring = str(string) # To avoid garbling output on unsupported systems
if showhelp:
print('Available colors are:')
for key in ansicolors.keys():
if key[:2] == 'bg':
darks = ['bgblack', 'bgred', 'bgblue', 'bgmagenta']
if key in darks: foreground = 'gray'
else: foreground = 'black'
helpcolor = [foreground, key]
helpcolor = key
colorize(helpcolor, ' ' + key)
return sc.sc_utils._printout(string=ansistring, doprint=doprint, output=output)
# Alias certain colors functions -- not including white and black since poor practice on light/dark terminals
def printred(s, **kwargs):
""" Alias to print(colors.red(s)) """
return print(ac.red(s, **kwargs))
def printgreen(s, **kwargs):
""" Alias to print(colors.green(s)) """
return print(ac.green(s, **kwargs))
def printblue(s, **kwargs):
""" Alias to print(colors.blue(s)) """
return print(ac.blue(s, **kwargs))
def printcyan(s, **kwargs):
""" Alias to print(colors.cyan(s)) """
return print(ac.cyan(s, **kwargs))
def printyellow(s, **kwargs):
""" Alias to print(colors.yellow(s)) """
return print(ac.yellow(s, **kwargs))
def printmagenta(s, **kwargs):
""" Alias to print(colors.magenta(s)) """
return print(ac.magenta(s, **kwargs))
def heading(string='', *args, color='cyan', divider='—', spaces=2, spacesafter=1,
minlength=10, maxlength=200, sep=' ', doprint=None, output=False, **kwargs):
Create a colorful heading. If just supplied with a string (or list of inputs like print()),
create blue text with horizontal lines above and below and 3 spaces above. You
can customize the color, the divider character, how many spaces appear before
the heading, and the minimum length of the divider (otherwise will expand to
match the length of the string, up to a maximum length).
string (str): the string to print as the heading (or object to convert to a string)
args (list): additional strings to print
color (str): color to use for the heading (default cyan)
divider (str): symbol to use for the divider (default '—')
spaces (int): number of spaces to put before the heading (default 2)
spacesafter (int): number of spaces to put after the heading (default 1)
minlength (int): minimum length of the divider (default 10)
maxlength (int): maximum length of the divider (default 200)
sep (str): if multiple arguments are supplied, use this separator to join them
doprint (bool): whether to print the string (default true if no output)
output (bool): whether to return the string as output (else, print)
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`sc.colorize() <colorize>`
Formatted string if ``output=True``
sc.heading('This is a heading')
sc.heading(string='This is also a heading', color='red', divider='*', spaces=0, minlength=50)
| *New in version 1.3.1.*: "spacesafter"
# Convert to single string
args = sc.mergelists(string, list(args))
string = sep.join([str(item) for item in args])
# Add header and footer
length = int(np.median([minlength, len(string), maxlength]))
space = '\n'*spaces
spaceafter = '\n'*spacesafter
fulldivider = divider*length
if fulldivider:
string = sc.newlinejoin(fulldivider, string, fulldivider)
fullstring = space + string + spaceafter
# Create output
return colorize(color=color, string=fullstring, doprint=doprint, output=output, **kwargs)
#%% Other
__all__ += ['printv', 'slacknotification', 'printtologfile', 'percentcomplete',
'progressbar', 'progressbars', 'capture']
def printv(string, thisverbose=1, verbose=2, indent=2, **kwargs):
Optionally print a message and automatically indent. The idea is that
a global or shared "verbose" variable is defined, which is passed to
subfunctions, determining how much detail to print out.
The general idea is that verbose is an integer from 0-4 as follows:
* 0 = no printout whatsoever
* 1 = only essential warnings, e.g. suppressed exceptions
* 2 = standard printout
* 3 = extra debugging detail (e.g., printout on each iteration)
* 4 = everything possible (e.g., printout on each timestep)
Thus a very important statement might be e.g.
>>> sc.printv('WARNING, everything is wrong', 1, verbose)
whereas a much less important message might be
>>> sc.printv(f'This is timestep {i}', 4, verbose)
string (str): string to print
thisverbose (int): level of verbosity at which to print this message
verbose (int): global verbose variable
indent (int): amount by which to indent based on verbosity level
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`print()`
*New in version 3.0.0:* "kwargs" argument; removed "newline" argument
if verbose >= thisverbose: # Only print if sufficiently verbose
indents = ' '*thisverbose*indent # Create automatic indenting
print(indents+sc.flexstr(string), **kwargs) # Actually print
def slacknotification(message=None, webhook=None, to=None, fromuser=None, verbose=2, die=False): # pragma: no cover
Send a Slack notification when something is finished.
The webhook is either a string containing the webhook itself, or a plain text file containing
a single line which is the Slack webhook. By default it will look for the file
".slackurl" in the user's home folder. The webhook needs to look something like
"https://hooks.slack.com/services/af7d8w7f/sfd7df9sb/lkcpfj6kf93ds3gj". Webhooks are
effectively passwords and must be kept secure! Alternatively, you can specify the webhook
in the environment variable SLACKURL.
message (str): The message to be posted.
webhook (str): See above
to (str): The Slack channel or user to post to. Channels begin with #, while users begin with @ (note: ignored by new-style webhooks)
fromuser (str): The pseudo-user the message will appear from (note: ignored by new-style webhooks)
verbose (bool): How much detail to display.
die (bool): If false, prints warnings. If true, raises exceptions.
sc.slacknotification('Long process is finished')
sc.slacknotification(webhook='/.slackurl', channel='@username', message='Hi, how are you going?')
What's the point? Add this to the end of a very long-running script to notify
your loved ones that the script has finished.
Version: 2018sep25
from requests import post # Simple way of posting data to a URL
from json import dumps # For sanitizing the message
except Exception as E:
errormsg = f'Cannot use Slack notification since imports failed: {str(E)}'
if die: raise ImportError(errormsg)
else: print(errormsg)
# Validate input arguments
printv('Sending Slack message', 1, verbose)
if not webhook: webhook = os.path.expanduser('~/.slackurl')
if not to: to = '#general'
if not fromuser: fromuser = 'sciris-bot'
if not message: message = 'This is an automated notification: your notifier is notifying you.'
printv(f'Channel: {to} | User: {fromuser} | Message: {message}', 3, verbose) # Print details of what's being sent
# Try opening webhook as a file
if webhook.find('hooks.slack.com')>=0: # It seems to be a URL, let's proceed
slackurl = webhook
elif os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(webhook)): # If not, look for it as a file
with open(os.path.expanduser(webhook)) as f: slackurl = f.read()
elif os.getenv('SLACKURL'): # See if it's set in the user's environment variables
slackurl = os.getenv('SLACKURL')
slackurl = webhook # It doesn't seemt to be a URL but let's try anyway
errormsg = f'"{webhook}" does not seem to be a valid webhook string or file'
if die: raise ValueError(errormsg)
else: print(errormsg)
# Package and post payload
payload = '{"text": %s, "channel": %s, "username": %s}' % (dumps(message), dumps(to), dumps(fromuser))
printv(f'Full payload: {payload}', 4, verbose)
response = post(url=slackurl, data=payload)
printv(response, 3, verbose) # Optionally print response
printv('Message sent.', 2, verbose) # We're done
except Exception as E:
errormsg = f'Sending of Slack message failed: {repr(E)}'
if die: raise RuntimeError(errormsg)
else: print(errormsg)
def printtologfile(message=None, filename=None):
Append a message string to a file specified by a filename name/path.
Note: in almost all cases, you are better off using Python's built-in logging
system rather than this function.
# Set defaults
if message is None: # pragma: no cover
return # Return immediately if nothing to append
if filename is None:
import tempfile
tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
filename = os.path.join(tempdir, 'logfile') # Some generic filename that should work on *nix systems
# Try writing to file
with open(filename, 'a') as f:
f.write('\n'+message+'\n') # Add a newline to the message.
except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover # Fail gracefully
print(f'Warning, could not write to logfile {filename}: {str(E)}')
def percentcomplete(step=None, maxsteps=None, stepsize=1, prefix=None):
Display progress as a percentage.
maxiters = 500
# Will print on every 5th iteration
for i in range(maxiters):
sc.percentcomplete(i, maxiters)
# Will print on every 50th iteration
for i in range(maxiters):
sc.percentcomplete(i, maxiters, stepsize=10)
# Will print e.g. 'Completeness: 1%'
for i in range(maxiters):
sc.percentcomplete(i, maxiters, prefix='Completeness: ')
See also :func:`sc.progressbar() <progressbar>` for a progress bar.
if prefix is None:
prefix = ' '
elif sc.isnumber(prefix): # pragma: no cover
prefix = ' '*prefix
onepercent = max(stepsize,round(maxsteps/100*stepsize)) # Calculate how big a single step is -- not smaller than 1
if not step%onepercent: # Does this value lie on a percent
thispercent = round(step/maxsteps*100) # Calculate what percent it is
print(prefix + '%i%%'% thispercent) # Display the output
def progressbar(i=None, maxiters=None, label='', every=1, length=30, empty='—', full='•',
newline=False, flush=False, **kwargs):
Show a progress bar for a for loop.
It can be called manually inside each iteration of the loop, or it can be used
to wrap the object being iterated. In the latter case, it acts as an alias
for the ``tqdm.tqdm()`` progress bar.
i (int/iterable): current iteration (for text output), or iterable object (for tqdm)
maxiters (int): maximum number of iterations (can also use an object with length)
label (str): initial label to print
every (int/float): if int, print every "every"th iteration (if 1, print all); if float and <1, print every maxiters*every iteration
length (int): length of progress bar
empty (str): character for not-yet-completed steps
full (str): character for completed steps
newline (bool): whether to print each iteration on a new line
flush (bool): whether to force-flush the buffer
kwargs (dict): passed to ``tqdm.tqdm()``; see its documentation for full options
# Direct usage inside a loop
for i in range(20):
sc.progressbar(i+1, 20)
# Direct usage inside a loop with custom formatting
for i in range(1000):
sc.progressbar(i+1, 1000, every=100, length=10, empty=' ', full='✓', newline=True)
# Used to wrap an iterable, using tqdm
x = np.arange(100)
for i in sc.progressbar(x):
Adapted from example by Greenstick (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3173320/text-progress-bar-in-the-console)
| *New in version 1.3.3:* "every" argument
| *New in version 3.0.0:* wrapper for tqdm
if i is None or sc.isiterable(i):
desc = kwargs.pop('desc', label)
return tqdm.tqdm(i, desc=desc, **kwargs)
# Handle inputs
if hasattr(maxiters, '__len__'):
maxiters = len(maxiters)
ending = None if newline else '\r'
if every < 1: # pragma: no cover
every = max(1, int(every*maxiters)) # Don't let it go below 1
# Calculate percent and handle zero case
if maxiters > 0:
pct = i/maxiters*100
else: # pragma: no cover
i = 1
maxiters = 1
pct = 100
percent = f'{pct:0.0f}%'
# Assemble string
filled = int(length*i//maxiters)
bar = full*filled + empty*(length-filled)
# Print
lastiter = (i == maxiters)
if not(i%every) or lastiter:
print(f'\r{label} {bar} {percent}', end=ending, flush=flush)
if lastiter:
print() # Newline at the end
class tqdm_pickle(tqdm.tqdm):
Simple subclass of tqdm that allows pickling
Usually not used directly by the user; used via :func:`sc.progressbars() <progressbars>` instead.
Pickling is required for passing ``tqdm`` instances between processes.
Based on ``tqdm`` 4.65.0; may become deprecated in future ``tqdm`` releases.
*New in version 3.0.0.*
def __getstate__(self):
""" Overwrite default __getstate__ """
d = {k:v for k,v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in ['sp', 'fp']}
return d
def __setstate__(self, d): # pragma: no cover
""" Overwrite default __getstate__ """
self.__dict__ = d
self.__dict__['fp'] = tqdm.utils.DisableOnWriteError(sys.stderr, tqdm_instance=self)
self.__dict__['sp'] = self.status_printer(self.fp)
class progressbars(prettyobj):
Create multiple progress bars
Useful for tracking the progress of multiple long-running tasks. Unlike regular
``tqdm`` instances, this uses a pickable version so it can be used directly
in multiprocessing instances.
n (int): number of progress bars to create
total (float): length of the progress bars
label (str/list): an optional prefix for the progress bar, or list of all labels
leave (bool): whether to remove the progress bars when they're done
kwargs (dict): passed to ``tqdm.tqdm()``
**Note**: bars are supposed to update in-place, but may appear on separate lines
instead if not run in the terminal (e.g. if run in IPython environments like
Spyder or Jupyter).
import sciris as sc
import random
def run_sim(index, ndays, pbs):
for i in range(ndays):
val = random.random()
pbs.update(index) # Update this progress bar based on the index
nsims = 5
ndays = 365
# Create progress bars
pbs = sc.progressbars(nsims, total=ndays, label='Sim')
# Run tasks
sc.parallelize(run_sim, iterarg=range(nsims), ndays=ndays, pbs=pbs)
# Produces output like:
# Sim 0: 39%|███████████████████████████▊ | 143/365 [00:01<00:01, 137.17it/s]
# Sim 1: 42%|████████████████████████████▉ | 154/365 [00:01<00:01, 148.70it/s]
# Sim 2: 45%|████████████████████████████████ | 165/365 [00:01<00:01, 144.19it/s]
# Sim 3: 44%|███████████████████████████████ | 160/365 [00:01<00:01, 151.22it/s]
# Sim 4: 42%|████████████████████████████▏ | 145/365 [00:01<00:01, 136.75it/s]
*New in version 3.0.0.*
def __init__(self, n=1, total=1, label=None, leave=False, **kwargs):
self.n = n
self.total = total
self.leave = leave
self.desc = kwargs.pop('desc', label)
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.bars = []
def make(self):
for i in range(self.n):
total = self.total
if sc.isiterable(total):
total = total[i]
desc = self.desc
if sc.isiterable(desc, exclude=str):
desc = desc[i]
if desc is None:
desc = f'{i}'
desc += f' {i}'
bar = tqdm_pickle(total=total, position=i, desc=desc, leave=self.leave, **self.kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, key): # pragma: no cover
return self.bars[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value): # pragma: no cover
self.bars[key] = value
def update(self, index=0, amount=1): # pragma: no cover
class capture(co.UserString, str, redirect_stdout):
Captures stdout (e.g., from :func:`print()`) as a variable.
Based on :obj:`contextlib.redirect_stdout`, but saves the user the trouble of
defining and reading from an IO stream. Useful for testing the output of functions
that are supposed to print certain output.
# Using with...as
with sc.capture() as txt1:
print('Assign these lines')
print('to a variable')
# Using start()...stop()
txt2 = sc.capture().start()
print('This works')
print('the same way')
*New in version 1.3.3.*
def __init__(self, seq='', *args, **kwargs):
self._io = io.StringIO()
self.stdout = sys.stdout
co.UserString.__init__(self, seq=seq, *args, **kwargs)
redirect_stdout.__init__(self, self._io)
def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
redirect_stdout.__enter__(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.data += self._io.getvalue()
redirect_stdout.__exit__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def start(self):
return self
def stop(self):
self.__exit__(None, None, None)