Extensions to Numpy, including finding array elements and smoothing data.
- :func:`sc.findinds() <findinds>`: find indices of an array matching a condition
- :func:`sc.findnearest() <findnearest>`: find nearest matching value
- :func:`sc.rolling() <rolling>`: calculate rolling average
- :func:`sc.smooth() <smooth>`: simple smoothing of 1D or 2D arrays
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
import sciris as sc
#%% Find and approximation functions
__all__ = ['approx', 'safedivide', 'findinds', 'findfirst', 'findlast', 'findnearest', 'count',
'dataindex', 'getvalidinds', 'getvaliddata', 'sanitize', 'rmnans','fillnans',
'findnans', 'nanequal', 'isprime', 'numdigits']
def approx(val1=None, val2=None, eps=None, **kwargs):
Determine whether two scalars (or an array and a scalar) approximately match.
Alias for :func:`np.isclose() <numpy.isclose>` and may be removed in future versions.
val1 (number or array): the first value
val2 (number): the second value
eps (float): absolute tolerance
kwargs (dict): passed to np.isclose()
sc.approx(2*6, 11.9999999, eps=1e-6) # Returns True
sc.approx([3,12,11.9], 12) # Returns array([False, True, False], dtype=bool)
if eps is not None:
kwargs['atol'] = eps # Rename kwarg to match np.isclose()
output = np.isclose(a=val1, b=val2, **kwargs)
return output
def safedivide(numerator=None, denominator=None, default=None, eps=None, warn=False):
Handle divide-by-zero and divide-by-nan elegantly.
sc.safedivide(numerator=0, denominator=0, default=1, eps=0) # Returns 1
sc.safedivide(numerator=5, denominator=2.0, default=1, eps=1e-3) # Returns 2.5
sc.safedivide(3, np.array([1,3,0]), -1, warn=True) # Returns array([ 3, 1, -1])
# Set some defaults
if numerator is None: numerator = 1.0
if denominator is None: denominator = 1.0
if default is None: default = 0.0
# Handle types
if isinstance(numerator, list): numerator = np.array(numerator)
if isinstance(denominator, list): denominator = np.array(denominator)
# Handle the logic
invalid = approx(denominator, 0.0, eps=eps)
if sc.isnumber(denominator): # The denominator is a scalar
if invalid:
output = default
else: # pragma: no cover
output = numerator/denominator
elif sc.checktype(denominator, 'array'):
if not warn:
denominator[invalid] = 1.0 # Replace invalid values with 1
output = numerator/denominator
output[invalid] = default
else: # pragma: no cover # Unclear input, raise exception
errormsg = f'Input type {type(denominator)} not understood: must be number or array'
raise TypeError(errormsg)
return output
def findinds(arr=None, val=None, *args, eps=1e-6, first=False, last=False, ind=None, die=True, **kwargs):
Find matches even if two things aren't eactly equal (e.g. floats vs. ints).
If one argument, find nonzero values. With two arguments, check for equality
using eps (by default 1e-6, to handle single-precision floating point). Returns
a tuple of arrays if val1 is multidimensional, else returns an array. Similar
to calling :func:`np.nonzero(np.isclose(arr, val))[0] <numpy.nonzero>`.
arr (array): the array to find values in
val (float): if provided, the value to match
args (list): if provided, additional boolean arrays
eps (float): the precision for matching (default 1e-6, equivalent to :func:`numpy.isclose`'s atol)
first (bool): whether to return the first matching value (equivalent to ind=0)
last (bool): whether to return the last matching value (equivalent to ind=-1)
ind (int): index of match to retrieve
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if first or last is true and no matches were found
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`numpy.isclose()`
data = np.random.rand(10)
sc.findinds(data<0.5) # Standard usage; returns e.g. array([2, 4, 5, 9])
sc.findinds(data>0.1, data<0.5) # Multiple arguments
sc.findinds([2,3,6,3], 3) # Returs array([1,3])
sc.findinds([2,3,6,3], 3, first=True) # Returns 1
| *New in version 1.2.3:* "die" argument
| *New in version 2.0.0:* fix string matching; allow multiple arguments
| *New in version 3.0.0:* multidimensional arrays now return a list of tuples
# Handle first or last
if first and last: raise ValueError('Can use first or last but not both')
elif first: ind = 0
elif last: ind = -1
# Handle kwargs
atol = kwargs.pop('atol', eps) # Ensure atol isn't specified twice
if 'val1' in kwargs or 'val2' in kwargs: # pragma: no cover
arr = kwargs.pop('val1', arr)
val = kwargs.pop('val2', val)
warnmsg = 'sc.findinds() arguments "val1" and "val2" have been deprecated as of v1.0.0; use "arr" and "val" instead'
warnings.warn(warnmsg, category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
# Calculate matches
arr = sc.toarray(arr)
arglist = list(args)
if val is None: # Check for equality
boolarr = arr # If not, just check the truth condition
if sc.isstring(val): # A string only matches itself
boolarr = (arr == val)
if sc.isnumber(val): # Standard usage, use nonzero
boolarr = np.isclose(a=arr, b=val, atol=atol, **kwargs) # If absolute difference between the two values is less than a certain amount
elif sc.checktype(val, 'arraylike'): # It's not actually a value, it's another array
boolarr = arr
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Cannot understand input {type(val)}: must be number or array-like'
raise TypeError(errormsg)
# Handle any additional inputs
for arg in arglist:
if arg.shape != boolarr.shape: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Could not handle inputs with shapes {boolarr.shape} vs {arg.shape}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
boolarr *= arg
# Actually find indices
output = np.nonzero(boolarr)
# Process output
if arr.ndim == 1: # Uni-dimensional
output = output[0] # Return an array rather than a tuple of arrays if one-dimensional
if ind is not None:
output = output[ind] # And get the first element
if ind is not None:
output = tuple([output[i][ind] for i in range(arr.ndim)])
except IndexError as E:
if die:
errormsg = 'No matching values found; use die=False to return None instead of raising an exception'
raise IndexError(errormsg) from E
output = None
return output
def findfirst(*args, **kwargs):
""" Alias for :func:`sc.findinds(..., first=True) <findinds>`. *New in version 1.0.0.* """
return findinds(*args, **kwargs, first=True)
def findlast(*args, **kwargs):
""" Alias for :func:`sc.findinds(..., last=True) <findinds>`. *New in version 1.0.0.* """
return findinds(*args, **kwargs, last=True)
def findnearest(series=None, value=None):
Return the index of the nearest match in series to value -- like :func:`sc.findinds() <findinds>`, but
always returns an object with the same type as value (i.e. findnearest with
a number returns a number, findnearest with an array returns an array).
series (array): the array of numbers to look for nearest matches in
value (scalar or array): the number or numbers to compare against
sc.findnearest(rand(10), 0.5) # returns whichever index is closest to 0.5
sc.findnearest([2,3,6,3], 6) # returns 2
sc.findnearest([2,3,6,3], 6) # returns 2
sc.findnearest([0,2,4,6,8,10], [3, 4, 5]) # returns array([1, 2, 2])
series = sc.toarray(series)
if sc.isnumber(value):
output = np.argmin(abs(series-value))
output = []
for val in value: output.append(findnearest(series, val))
output = sc.toarray(output)
return output
def count(arr=None, val=None, eps=1e-6, **kwargs):
Count the number of matching elements.
Similar to :func:`numpy.count_nonzero()`, but allows for slight mismatches (e.g.,
floats vs. ints). Equivalent to ``len(sc.findinds())``.
arr (array): the array to find values in
val (float): if provided, the value to match
eps (float): the precision for matching (default 1e-6, equivalent to :func:`numpy.isclose`'s atol)
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`numpy.isclose()`
sc.count(rand(10)<0.5) # returns e.g. 4
sc.count([2,3,6,3], 3) # returns 2
*New in version 2.0.0.*
output = len(findinds(arr=arr, val=val, eps=eps, **kwargs))
return output
def dataindex(dataarray, index): # pragma: no cover
Take an array of data and return either the first or last (or some other) non-NaN entry.
This function is deprecated.
nrows = np.shape(dataarray)[0] # See how many rows need to be filled (either npops, nprogs, or 1).
output = np.zeros(nrows) # Create structure
for r in range(nrows):
output[r] = sanitize(dataarray[r])[index] # Return the specified index -- usually either the first [0] or last [-1]
return output
def getvalidinds(data=None, filterdata=None): # pragma: no cover
Return the indices that are valid based on the validity of the input data from an arbitrary number
of 1-D vector inputs. Note, closely related to :func:`sc.getvaliddata() <getvaliddata>`.
This function is deprecated.
sc.getvalidinds([3,5,8,13], [2000, nan, nan, 2004]) # Returns array([0,3])
data = sc.toarray(data)
if filterdata is None: filterdata = data # So it can work on a single input -- more or less replicates sanitize() then
filterdata = sc.toarray(filterdata)
if filterdata.dtype=='bool': filterindices = filterdata # It's already boolean, so leave it as is
else: filterindices = findinds(~np.isnan(filterdata)) # Else, assume it's nans that need to be removed
dataindices = findinds(~np.isnan(data)) # Also check validity of data
validindices = np.intersect1d(dataindices, filterindices)
return validindices # Only return indices -- WARNING, not consistent with sanitize()
def getvaliddata(data=None, filterdata=None, defaultind=0): # pragma: no cover
Return the data value indices that are valid based on the validity of the input data.
This function is deprecated; see :func:`sc.sanitize() <sanitize>` instead.
sc.getvaliddata(array([3,5,8,13]), array([2000, nan, nan, 2004])) # Returns array([3,13])
data = np.array(data)
if filterdata is None: filterdata = data # So it can work on a single input -- more or less replicates sanitize() then
filterdata = np.array(filterdata)
if filterdata.dtype=='bool': validindices = filterdata # It's already boolean, so leave it as is
else: validindices = ~np.isnan(filterdata) # Else, assume it's nans that need to be removed
if validindices.any(): # There's at least one data point entered
if len(data)==len(validindices): # They're the same length: use for logical indexing
validdata = np.array(np.array(data)[validindices]) # Store each year
elif len(validindices)==1: # They're different lengths and it has length 1: it's an assumption
validdata = np.array([np.array(data)[defaultind]]) # Use the default index; usually either 0 (start) or -1 (end)
errormsg = f'Array sizes are mismatched: {len(data)} vs. {len(validindices)}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
validdata = np.array([]) # No valid data, return an empty array
return validdata
def sanitize(data=None, returninds=False, replacenans=None, defaultval=None, die=True, verbose=False, label=None):
Sanitize input to remove NaNs. (NB: :func:`sc.sanitize() <sanitize>` and :func:`sc.rmnans() <rmnans>` are aliases.)
Returns an array with the sanitized data. If ``replacenans=True``, the sanitized
array is of the same length/size as data. If ``replacenans=False``, the sanitized
array may be shorter than data.
data (arr/list) : array or list with numbers to be sanitized
returninds (bool) : whether to return indices of non-nan/valid elements, indices are with respect the shape of data
replacenans (float/str) : whether to replace the NaNs with the specified value, or if ``True`` or a string, using interpolation
defaultval (float) : value to return if the sanitized array is empty
die (bool) : whether to raise an exception if the sanitization failed (otherwise return an empty array)
verbose (bool) : whether to print out a warning if no valid values are found
label (str) : human readable label for data (for use with verbose mode only)
data = [3, 4, np.nan, 8, 2, np.nan, np.nan, 8]
sanitized1, inds = sc.sanitize(data, returninds=True) # Remove NaNs
sanitized2 = sc.sanitize(data, replacenans=True) # Replace NaNs using nearest neighbor interpolation
sanitized3 = sc.sanitize(data, replacenans='nearest') # Eequivalent to replacenans=True
sanitized4 = sc.sanitize(data, replacenans='linear') # Replace NaNs using linear interpolation
sanitized5 = sc.sanitize(data, replacenans=0) # Replace NaNs with 0
| *New in version 2.0.0:* handle multidimensional arrays
| *New in version 3.0.0:* return zero-length arrays if all NaN
data = sc.toarray(data) # Make sure it's an array
is_multidim = data.ndim > 1
if is_multidim:
if not replacenans:
errormsg = 'For multidimensional data, NaNs cannot be removed. Set replacenans=<value>, or flatten data before use.'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
inds = np.nonzero(~pd.isna(data))
if not is_multidim:
inds = inds[0] # Since np.nonzero() returns a tuple
sanitized = data[inds] # Trim data
if replacenans is not None:
if replacenans is True:
replacenans = 'nearest'
if sc.isstring(replacenans):
if replacenans in ['nearest','linear']:
if is_multidim:
errormsg = 'Cannot perform interpolation on multidimensional data; use replacenans=<value> instead'
raise NotImplementedError(errormsg)
newx = range(len(data)) # Create a new x array the size of the original array
sanitized = smoothinterp(newx, inds, sanitized, method=replacenans, smoothness=0) # Replace nans with interpolated values
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Interpolation method "{replacenans}" not found: must be "nearest" or "linear"'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
naninds = np.nonzero(pd.isna(data))
sanitized = data.copy() # To avoid overwriting original array
sanitized[naninds] = replacenans
if len(sanitized)==0:
if defaultval is not None:
sanitized = defaultval
inds = []
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
if label is None: label = 'these input data'
print(f'sc.sanitize(): no valid values found for {label}. Returning 0.')
except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover
if die:
raise E
sanitized = data # Give up and just return original array
inds = []
if returninds: return sanitized, inds
else: return sanitized
# Define as an alias
rmnans = sanitize
def fillnans(data=None, replacenans=True, **kwargs):
Alias for :func:`sc.sanitize(..., replacenans=True) <sanitize>` with nearest interpolation
(or a specified value).
*New in version 2.0.0.*
return sanitize(data=data, replacenans=replacenans, **kwargs)
def findnans(data=None, **kwargs):
Alias for :func:`sc.findinds(np.isnan(data)) <findinds>`.
data = [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4, np.nan, 6, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 10]
sc.findnans(data) # Returns array([3, 5, 7, 8, 9])
| *New in version 3.0.0.*
| *New in version 3.1.0:* replaced ``np.isnan`` with ``pd.isna`` for robustness
isnan = pd.isna(data)
inds = findinds(arr=isnan, **kwargs)
return inds
_nan_fill = -528876923.87569493 # Define a random value that would never be encountered otherwise
def nanequal(arr, *args, scalar=False, equal_nan=True):
Compare two or more arrays for equality element-wise, treating NaN values as equal.
Unnlike :func:`numpy.array_equal`, this function works even if the arrays cannot
be cast to float.
arr (array): the array to use as the base for the comparison
args (list): one or more arrays to compare to
scalar (bool): whether to return a true/false value (else return the array)
arr1 = np.array([1, 2, np.nan])
arr2 = [1, 2, np.nan]
sc.nanequal(arr1, arr2) # Returns array([ True, True, True])
arr3 = [3, np.nan, 'foo']
sc.nanequal(arr3, arr3, arr3, scalar=True) # Returns True
*New in version 3.1.0.*
if not len(args): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = 'Only one array provided; requires 2 or more'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
others = [sc.toarray(arg) for arg in args] # Convert everything to an array
# Remove Nans from base array
if equal_nan:
isnan = pd.isna(arr)
arr = sc.toarray(arr).copy()
arr[isnan] = _nan_fill # Fill in NaN values
eqarr = None
for other in others:
if other.shape != arr.shape: # Two arrays with different shapes are always false
if scalar:
return False
return np.array([False])
if equal_nan:
isnan = pd.isna(other)
other = other.copy()
other[isnan] = _nan_fill # Fill in NaN values
eq = (arr == other) # Do the comparison
if eqarr is None:
eqarr = eq
eqarr *= eq
if scalar:
return np.all(eqarr)
return eqarr
def isprime(n, verbose=False):
Determine if a number is prime.
From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15285534/isprime-function-for-python-language
for i in range(100): print(i) if sc.isprime(i) else None
if n < 2:
if verbose: print('Not prime: n<2')
return False
if n == 2:
if verbose: print('Is prime: n=2')
return True
if n == 3:
if verbose: print('Is prime: n=3')
return True
if n%2 == 0:
if verbose: print('Not prime: divisible by 2')
return False
if n%3 == 0:
if verbose: print('Not prime: divisible by 3')
return False
if n < 9:
if verbose: print('Is prime: <9 and not divisible by 2')
return True
r = int(n**0.5)
f = 5
while f <= r:
if n%f == 0:
if verbose: print(f'Not prime: divisible by {f}')
return False
if n%(f+2) == 0:
if verbose: print(f'Not prime: divisible by {f+2}')
return False
f +=6
if verbose: print('Is prime!')
return True
def numdigits(n, *args, count_minus=False, count_decimal=False):
Count the number of digits in a number (or list of numbers).
Useful for e.g. knowing how long a string needs to be to fit a given number.
If a number is less than 1, return the number of digits until the decimal
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22656345/how-to-count-the-number-of-digits-in-python
n (int/float/list/array): number or list of numbers
args (list): additional numbers
count_minus (bool): whether to count the minus sign as a digit
count_decimal (bool): whether to count the decimal point as a digit
sc.numdigits(12345) # Returns 5
sc.numdigits(12345.5) # Returns 5
sc.numdigits(0) # Returns 1
sc.numdigits(-12345) # Returns 5
sc.numdigits(-12345, count_minus=True) # Returns 6
sc.numdigits(12, 123, 12345) # Returns [2, 3, 5]
sc.numdigits(0.01) # Returns -2
sc.numdigits(0.01, count_decimal=True) # Returns -4
*New in version 2.0.0.*
is_scalar = True if sc.isnumber(n) and len(args) == 0 else False
vals = cat(n, *args)
output = []
for n in vals:
abs_n = abs(n)
is_decimal = 0 < abs_n < 1
n_digits = 1
if n < 0 and count_minus: # pragma: no cover
n_digits += 1
if is_decimal:
if count_decimal:
n_digits += 1
n_digits -= 1
if abs_n > 0:
if is_decimal:
n_digits = -n_digits
n_digits += int(np.floor(np.log10(abs_n)))
output = np.array(output)
if is_scalar:
output = output[0]
return output
#%% Other functions
__all__ += ['perturb', 'normsum', 'normalize', 'inclusiverange', 'randround',
'cat', 'linregress', 'sem']
def perturb(n=1, span=0.5, randseed=None, normal=False):
Define an array of numbers uniformly perturbed with a mean of 1.
n (int): number of points
span (float): width of distribution on either side of 1
randseed (int): seed passed to the reseed numpy's legacy MT19937 BitGenerator
normal (bool): whether to use a normal distribution instead of uniform
sc.perturb(5, 0.3) # Returns e.g. array([0.73852362, 0.7088094 , 0.93713658, 1.13150755, 0.87183371])
*New in version 3.0.0:* Uses a separate random number stream
rng = np.random.default_rng(randseed)
if normal:
output = 1.0 + rng.normal(0, span, size=n)
output = 1.0 + rng.uniform(-span, span, size=n)
return output
def normsum(arr, total=None):
Multiply a list or array by some normalizing factor so that its sum is equal
to the total. Formerly called "``scaleratio``".
arr (array): array (or list) to normalize
total (float): amount to sum to (default 1)
normarr = sc.normsum([2,5,3,10], 100) # Scale so sum equals 100; returns [10.0, 25.0, 15.0, 50.0]
Renamed in version 1.0.0.
if total is None: total = 1.0
origtotal = float(sum(arr))
ratio = float(total)/origtotal
out = np.array(arr)*ratio
if isinstance(arr, list): out = out.tolist() # Preserve type
return out
def normalize(arr, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0):
Rescale an array between a minimum value and a maximum value.
arr (array): array to normalize
minval (float): minimum value in rescaled array
maxval (float): maximum value in rescaled array
normarr = sc.normalize([2,3,7,27]) # Returns array([0. , 0.04, 0.2 , 1. ])
out = np.array(arr, dtype=float) # Ensure it's a float so divide works
out -= out.min()
out /= out.max()
out *= (maxval - minval)
out += minval
if isinstance(arr, list): out = out.tolist() # Preserve type
return out
def inclusiverange(*args, stretch=False, **kwargs):
Like :func:`numpy.arange`/`numpy.linspace`, but includes the start and stop points.
Accepts 0-3 args, or the kwargs start, stop, step.
In most cases, equivalent to ``np.linspace(start, stop, int((stop-start)/step)+1)``.
start (float): value to start at
stop (float): value to stop at
step (float): step size
stretch (bool): if True, adjust the step size to end exactly at stop if needed
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`numpy.linspace`
x = sc.inclusiverange(10) # Like np.arange(11)
x = sc.inclusiverange(3,5,0.2) # Like np.linspace(3, 5, int((5-3)/0.2+1))
x = sc.inclusiverange(stop=5) # Like np.arange(6)
x = sc.inclusiverange(6, step=2) # Like np.arange(0, 7, 2)
x = sc.inclusiverange(0, 10, 3) # Like np.arange(0, 10, 3)
x = sc.inclusiverange(0, 10, 3, stretch=True) # Like np.linspace(0,10,int(10/3)+1)
| *New in version 3.2.0*: "stretch" argument
# Handle args
if len(args) == 0:
start, stop, step = None, None, None
elif len(args) == 1:
stop = args[0]
start, step = None, None
elif len(args) == 2:
start = args[0]
stop = args[1]
step = None
elif len(args) == 3:
start = args[0]
stop = args[1]
step = args[2]
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Too many arguments supplied ({len(args)}): sc.inclusiverange() accepts 1-3 arguments'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Handle kwargs
start = kwargs.pop('start', start)
stop = kwargs.pop('stop', stop)
step = kwargs.pop('step', step)
# Finalize defaults
if start is None: start = 0
if stop is None: stop = 1
if step is None: step = 1
# Handle case with a non-integer number of steps
nsteps = (stop-start)/step
int_steps = int(nsteps)
if not nsteps.is_integer() and not stretch:
stop = start + step*int_steps # Create a new stop based on the step
# Actually generate -- can't use arange since handles floating point arithmetic badly, e.g. compare arange(2000, 2020, 0.2) with arange(2000, 2020.2, 0.2)
num = int_steps + 1 # +1 since include both endpoints
x = np.linspace(start, stop, num, **kwargs)
return x
def randround(x):
Round a float, list, or array probabilistically to the nearest integer. Works
for both positive and negative values.
Adapted from:
x (int, list, arr): the floating point numbers to probabilistically convert to the nearest integer
Array of integers
sc.randround(np.random.randn(8)) # Returns e.g. array([-1, 0, 1, -2, 2, 0, 0, 0])
| *New in version 1.0.0.*
| *New in version 3.0.0:* allow arrays of arbitrary shape
if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
output = np.array(np.floor(x+np.random.random(x.shape)), dtype=int)
elif isinstance(x, list):
output = [randround(i) for i in x]
output = int(np.floor(x+np.random.random()))
return output
def cat(*args, copy=False, **kwargs):
Like :func:`numpy.concatenate`, but takes anything and returns an array. Useful for
e.g. appending a single number onto the beginning or end of an array.
args (any): items to concatenate into an array
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`numpy.concatenate`
arr = sc.cat(4, np.ones(3))
arr = sc.cat(np.array([1,2,3]), [4,5], 6)
arr = sc.cat(np.random.rand(2,4), np.random.rand(2,6), axis=1)
| *New in version 1.0.0.*
| *New in version 1.1.0:* "copy" and keyword arguments.
| *New in version 2.0.2:* removed "copy" argument; changed default axis of 0; arguments passed to ``np.concatenate()``
if not len(args):
return np.array([])
arrs = [sc.toarray(arg) for arg in args] # Key step: convert everything to an array
if arrs[0].ndim == 2: # Convert to 2D if first array is
arrs = [np.atleast_2d(arr) for arr in arrs]
output = np.concatenate(arrs, **kwargs)
return output
def linregress(x, y, full=False, **kwargs):
Simple linear regression returning the line of best fit and R value. Similar
to :func:`scipy.stats.linregress`` but simpler.
x (array): the x coordinates
y (array): the y coordinates
full (bool): whether to return a full data structure
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`numpy.polyfit`
x = range(10)
y = sorted(2*np.random.rand(10) + 1)
m,b = sc.linregress(x, y) # Simple usage
out = sc.linregress(x, y, full=True) # Has out.m, out.b, out.x, out.y, out.corr, etc.
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.plot(x, m*x+b)
plt.bar(x, out.residuals)
plt.title(f'R² = {out.r2}')
x = sc.toarray(x)
y = sc.toarray(y)
fit = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=1, **kwargs) # Do the fit
if not full: # pragma: no cover
return fit
out = sc.objdict()
out.m = fit[0] # Slope
out.b = fit[-1] # Intercept
out.coeffs = fit
out.corr = np.corrcoef(x, y)[0,1]
out.r2 = out.corr**2
out.x = x
out.y = out.m*x + out.b
out.residuals = y - out.y
return out
def sem(a, axis=None, *args, **kwargs):
Calculate the standard error of the mean (SEM).
Shortcut (for a 1D array) to ``array.std()/np.sqrt(len(array))``.
a (arr): array to calculate the SEM of
axis (int): axis to calculate the SEM along
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`numpy.std`
data = np.random.randn(100)
sem = sc.sem(data) # Roughly 0.1
| *New in version 3.2.0.*
a = sc.toarray(a)
std = a.std(axis=axis)
if axis is None:
n = a.size
elif sc.isnumber(axis):
n = a.shape[axis]
n = np.prod([a.shape[s] for s in axis])
out = std/np.sqrt(n)
return out
#%% Smoothing functions
__all__ += ['rolling', 'convolve', 'smooth', 'smoothinterp', 'gauss1d', 'gauss2d']
def rolling(data, window=7, operation='mean', replacenans=None, **kwargs):
Alias to :meth:`pandas.Series.rolling()` (window) method to smooth a series.
data (list/arr): the 1D or 2D data to be smoothed
window (int): the length of the window
operation (str): the operation to perform: 'mean' (default), 'median', 'sum', or 'none'
replacenans (bool/float): if None, leave NaNs; if False, remove them; if a value, replace with that value; if the string 'nearest' or 'linear', do interpolation (see :func:`sc.rmnans() <rmnans>` for details)
kwargs (dict): passed to :meth:`pandas.Series.rolling()`
data = [5,5,5,0,0,0,0,7,7,7,7,0,0,3,3,3]
rolled = sc.rolling(data, replacenans='nearest')
# Handle the data
data = np.array(data)
data = pd.Series(data) if data.ndim == 1 else pd.DataFrame(data)
# Perform the roll
roll = data.rolling(window=window, **kwargs)
# Handle output
if operation in [None, 'none']: output = roll
elif operation == 'mean': output = roll.mean().values
elif operation == 'median': output = roll.median().values
elif operation == 'sum': output = roll.sum().values
errormsg = f'Operation "{operation}" not recognized; must be mean, median, sum, or none'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
if replacenans is None:
output = sanitize(data=output, replacenans=replacenans)
return output
def convolve(a, v):
Like :func:`numpy.convolve`, but always returns an array the size of the first array
(equivalent to mode='same'), and solves the boundary problem present in :func:`numpy.convolve`
by adjusting the edges by the weight of the convolution kernel.
a (arr): the input array
v (arr): the convolution kernel
a = np.ones(5)
v = np.array([0.3, 0.5, 0.2])
c1 = np.convolve(a, v, mode='same') # Returns array([0.8, 1. , 1. , 1. , 0.7])
c2 = sc.convolve(a, v) # Returns array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
| *New in version 1.3.0.*
| *New in version 1.3.1:* handling the case where len(a) < len(v)
# Handle types
a = np.array(a)
v = np.array(v)
# Perform standard Numpy convolution
out = np.convolve(a, v, mode='same')
# Handle edge weights
len_a = len(a) # Length of input array
len_v = len(v) # Length of kernel
minlen = min(len_a, len_v)
vtot = v.sum() # Total kernel weight
len_lhs = minlen // 2 # Number of points to re-weight on LHS
len_rhs = (minlen-1) // 2 # Ditto
if len_lhs:
w_lhs = np.cumsum(v)/vtot # Cumulative sum of kernel weights on the LHS, divided by total weight
w_lhs = w_lhs[-1-len_lhs:-1] # Trim to the correct length
out[:len_lhs] = out[:len_lhs]/w_lhs # Re-weight
if len_rhs:
w_rhs = (np.cumsum(v[::-1])[::-1]/vtot) # Ditto, reversed for RHS
w_rhs = w_rhs[1:len_rhs+1] # Ditto
out[-len_rhs:] = out[-len_rhs:]/w_rhs # Ditto
# Handle the case where len(v) > len(a)
len_diff = max(0, len_v - len_a)
if len_diff: # pragma: no cover
lhs_trim = len_diff // 2
out = out[lhs_trim:lhs_trim+len_a]
return out
def smooth(data, repeats=None, kernel=None, legacy=False):
Very simple function to smooth a 1D or 2D array.
See also :func:`sc.gauss1d() <gauss1d>` for simple Gaussian smoothing.
data (arr): 1D or 2D array to smooth
repeats (int): number of times to apply smoothing (by default, scale to be 1/5th the length of data)
kernel (arr): the smoothing kernel to use (default: ``[0.25, 0.5, 0.25]``)
legacy (bool): if True, use the old (pre-1.3.0) method of calculation that doesn't correct for edge effects
data = np.random.randn(5,5)
smoothdata = sc.smooth(data)
*New in version 1.3.0:* Fix edge effects.
if repeats is None:
repeats = int(np.floor(len(data)/5))
if kernel is None:
kernel = [0.25,0.5,0.25]
kernel = np.array(kernel)
output = np.array(data).copy()
# Only convolve the kernel with itself -- equivalent to doing the full convolution multiple times
v = kernel.copy()
for r in range(repeats-1):
v = np.convolve(v, kernel, mode='full')
# Support legacy method of not correcting for edge effects
if legacy: # pragma: no cover
conv = np.convolve
kw = {'mode':'same'}
conv = convolve
kw = {}
# Perform the convolution
if output.ndim == 1:
output = conv(output, v, **kw)
elif output.ndim == 2:
for i in range(output.shape[0]): output[i,:] = conv(output[i,:], v, **kw)
for j in range(output.shape[1]): output[:,j] = conv(output[:,j], v, **kw)
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = 'Simple smoothing only implemented for 1D and 2D arrays'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
return output
def smoothinterp(newx=None, origx=None, origy=None, smoothness=None, growth=None,
ensurefinite=True, keepends=True, method='linear'):
Smoothly interpolate over values
Unlike :func:`np.interp() <numpy.interp>`, this function does exactly pass
through each data point:
newx (arr): the points at which to interpolate
origx (arr): the original x coordinates
origy (arr): the original y coordinates
smoothness (float): how much to smooth
growth (float): the growth rate to apply past the ends of the data
ensurefinite (bool): ensure all values are finite (including skipping NaNs)
method (str): the type of interpolation to use (options are 'linear' or 'nearest')
newy (arr): the new y coordinates
import sciris as sc
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
origy = np.array([0,0.2,0.1,0.9,0.7,0.8,0.95,1])
origx = np.linspace(0,1,len(origy))
newx = np.linspace(0,1,5*len(origy))
sc_y = sc.smoothinterp(newx, origx, origy, smoothness=5)
np_y = np.interp(newx, origx, origy)
si_y = interpolate.interp1d(origx, origy, 'cubic')(newx)
kw = dict(lw=3, alpha=0.7)
plt.plot(newx, np_y, '--', label='NumPy', **kw)
plt.plot(newx, si_y, ':', label='SciPy', **kw)
plt.plot(newx, sc_y, '-', label='Sciris', **kw)
plt.scatter(origx, origy, s=50, c='k', label='Data')
| *New in verison 3.0.0:* "ensurefinite" now defaults to True; removed "skipnans" argument
# Ensure arrays and remove NaNs
if sc.isnumber(newx): newx = [newx] # Make sure it has dimension
if sc.isnumber(origx): origx = [origx] # Make sure it has dimension
if sc.isnumber(origy): origy = [origy] # Make sure it has dimension
newx = np.array(newx, dtype=float)
origx = np.array(origx, dtype=float)
origy = np.array(origy, dtype=float)
# If only a single element, just return it, without checking everything else
if len(origy)==1: # pragma: no cover
newy = np.zeros(newx.shape)+origy[0]
return newy
if not(newx.shape): raise ValueError('To interpolate, must have at least one new x value to interpolate to') # pragma: no cover
if not(origx.shape): raise ValueError('To interpolate, must have at least one original x value to interpolate to') # pragma: no cover
if not(origy.shape): raise ValueError('To interpolate, must have at least one original y value to interpolate to') # pragma: no cover
if not(origx.shape==origy.shape): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'To interpolate, original x and y vectors must be same length (x={len(origx)}, y={len(origy)})'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Make sure it's in the correct order
correctorder = np.argsort(origx)
origx = origx[correctorder]
origy = origy[correctorder]
neworder = np.argsort(newx)
newx = newx[neworder] # And sort newx just in case
# Only keep finite elements
finitey = np.isfinite(origy) # Boolean for whether it's finite
if finitey.any() and not finitey.all(): # If some but not all is finite, pull out indices that are
finiteorigy = origy[finitey]
finiteorigx = origx[finitey]
else: # Otherwise, just copy the original
finiteorigy = origy.copy()
finiteorigx = origx.copy()
# Perform actual interpolation
if method=='linear':
newy = np.interp(newx, finiteorigx, finiteorigy) # Perform standard interpolation without infinities
elif method=='nearest':
newy = np.zeros(newx.shape) # Create the new array of the right size
for i,x in enumerate(newx): # Iterate over each point
xind = np.argmin(abs(finiteorigx-x)) # Find the nearest neighbor
newy[i] = finiteorigy[xind] # Copy it
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Method "{method}" not found; methods are "linear" or "nearest"'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Perform smoothing
if smoothness is None: smoothness = np.ceil(len(newx)/len(origx)) # Calculate smoothness: this is consistent smoothing regardless of the size of the arrays
smoothness = int(smoothness) # Make sure it's an appropriate number
if smoothness:
kernel = np.exp(-np.linspace(-2,2,2*smoothness+1)**2)
kernel /= kernel.sum()
validinds = findinds(~np.isnan(newy)) # Remove nans since these don't exactly smooth well
if len(validinds): # No point doing these steps if no non-nan values
validy = newy[validinds]
prepend = validy[0]*np.ones(smoothness)
postpend = validy[-1]*np.ones(smoothness)
if not keepends: # pragma: no cover
try: # Try to compute slope, but use original prepend if it doesn't work
dyinitial = (validy[0]-validy[1])
prepend = validy[0]*np.ones(smoothness) + dyinitial*np.arange(smoothness,0,-1)
try: # Try to compute slope, but use original postpend if it doesn't work
dyfinal = (validy[-1]-validy[-2])
postpend = validy[-1]*np.ones(smoothness) + dyfinal*np.arange(1,smoothness+1,1)
validy = np.concatenate([prepend, validy, postpend])
validy = np.convolve(validy, kernel, 'valid') # Smooth it out a bit
newy[validinds] = validy # Copy back into full vector
# Apply growth if required
if growth is not None: # pragma: no cover
pastindices = findinds(newx<origx[0])
futureindices = findinds(newx>origx[-1])
if len(pastindices): # If there are past data points
firstpoint = pastindices[-1]+1
newy[pastindices] = newy[firstpoint] * np.exp((newx[pastindices]-newx[firstpoint])*growth) # Get last 'good' data point and apply inverse growth
if len(futureindices): # If there are past data points
lastpoint = futureindices[0]-1
newy[futureindices] = newy[lastpoint] * np.exp((newx[futureindices]-newx[lastpoint])*growth) # Get last 'good' data point and apply growth
# Add infinities back in, if they exist
if any(~np.isfinite(origy)): # pragma: no cover # Infinities exist, need to add them back in manually since interp can only handle nan
if not ensurefinite: # If not ensuring all entries are finite, put nonfinite entries back in
orignan = np.zeros(len(origy)) # Start from scratch
origplusinf = np.zeros(len(origy)) # Start from scratch
origminusinf = np.zeros(len(origy)) # Start from scratch
orignan[np.isnan(origy)] = np.nan # Replace nan entries with nan
origplusinf[origy==np.inf] = np.nan # Replace plus infinite entries with nan
origminusinf[origy==-np.inf] = np.nan # Replace minus infinite entries with nan
newnan = np.interp(newx, origx, orignan) # Interpolate the nans
newplusinf = np.interp(newx, origx, origplusinf) # ...again, for positive
newminusinf = np.interp(newx, origx, origminusinf) # ...and again, for negative
newy[np.isnan(newminusinf)] = -np.inf # Add minus infinity back in first
newy[np.isnan(newplusinf)] = np.inf # Then, plus infinity
newy[np.isnan(newnan)] = np.nan # Finally, the nans
# Restore original sort order for newy
restoredorder = np.argsort(neworder)
newy = newy[restoredorder]
return newy
# For Gaussian functions -- doubles the speed to convert to 32 bit, functions faster than lambdas
def _arr32(arr): return np.array(arr, dtype=np.float32)
def _f32(x): return np.float32(x)
def gauss1d(x=None, y=None, xi=None, scale=None, use32=True):
Gaussian 1D smoothing kernel.
Create smooth interpolation of input points at interpolated points. If no points
are supplied, use the same as the input points.
x (arr): 1D list of x coordinates
y (arr): 1D list of y values at each of the x coordinates
xi (arr): 1D list of points to calculate the interpolated y
scale (float): how much smoothing to apply (by default, width of 5 data points)
use32 (bool): convert arrays to 32-bit floats (doubles speed for large arrays)
# Setup
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sciris as sc
x = np.random.rand(40)
y = (x-0.3)**2 + 0.2*np.random.rand(40)
# Smooth
yi = sc.gauss1d(x, y)
yi2 = sc.gauss1d(x, y, scale=0.3)
xi3 = np.linspace(0,1)
yi3 = sc.gauss1d(x, y, xi)
# Plot original and interpolated versions
plt.scatter(x, y, label='Original')
plt.scatter(x, yi, label='Default smoothing')
plt.scatter(x, yi2, label='More smoothing')
plt.scatter(xi3, yi3, label='Uniform spacing')
# Simple usage
*New in version 1.3.0.*
# Swap inputs if x is provided but not y
if y is None and x is not None: # pragma: no cover
y,x = x,y
if x is None: # pragma: no cover
x = np.arange(len(y))
if xi is None:
xi = x
# Convert to arrays
orig_dtype = y.dtype
except: # pragma: no cover
orig_dtype = np.float64
if use32:
x, y, xi, = _arr32(x), _arr32(y), _arr32(xi)
# Handle scale
if scale is None:
minmax = np.ptp(x) # Calculate the range of x
npts = len(x)
scale = 5*minmax/npts
scale = _f32(scale)
def calc(xi):
""" Calculate the calculation """
dist = (x - xi)/scale
weights = np.exp(-dist**2)
weights = weights/np.sum(weights)
val = np.sum(weights*y)
return val
# Actual computation
n = len(xi)
yi = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
yi[i] = calc(xi[i])
yi = np.array(yi, dtype=orig_dtype) # Convert back
return yi
def gauss2d(x=None, y=None, z=None, xi=None, yi=None, scale=1.0, xscale=1.0, yscale=1.0, grid=False, use32=True):
Gaussian 2D smoothing kernel.
Create smooth interpolation of input points at interpolated points. Can handle
either 1D or 2D inputs.
x (arr): 1D or 2D array of x coordinates (if None, take from z)
y (arr): ditto, for y
z (arr): 1D or 2D array of z values at each of the (x,y) points
xi (arr): 1D or 2D array of points to calculate the interpolated Z; if None, same as x
yi (arr): ditto, for y
scale (float): overall scale factor
xscale (float): ditto, just for x
yscale (float): ditto, just for y
grid (bool): if True, then return Z at a grid of (xi,yi) rather than at points
use32 (bool): convert arrays to 32-bit floats (doubles speed for large arrays)
# Setup
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.rand(40)
y = np.random.rand(40)
z = 1-(x-0.5)**2 + (y-0.5)**2 # Make a saddle
# Simple usage -- only works if z is 2D
zi0 = sc.gauss2d(np.random.rand(10,10))
# Method 1 -- form grid
xi = np.linspace(0,1,20)
yi = np.linspace(0,1,20)
zi = sc.gauss2d(x, y, z, xi, yi, scale=0.1, grid=True)
# Method 2 -- use points directly
xi2 = np.random.rand(400)
yi2 = np.random.rand(400)
zi2 = sc.gauss2d(x, y, z, xi2, yi2, scale=0.1)
# Plot oiginal and interpolated versions
sc.scatter3d(x, y, z, c=z)
sc.scatter3d(xi2, yi2, zi2, c=zi2)
| *New in version 1.3.0.*
| *New in version 1.3.1:* default arguments; support for 2D inputs
# Swap variables if needed
if z is None and x is not None: # pragma: no cover
z,x = x,z
if x is None or y is None: # pragma: no cover
if z.ndim != 2:
errormsg = f'If the x and y axes are not provided, then z must be 2D, not {z.ndim}D'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
x = np.arange(z.shape[1]) # It's counterintuitive, but x is the 1st dimension, not the 0th
y = np.arange(z.shape[0])
# Handle shapes
if z.ndim == 2 and (x.ndim == 1) and (y.ndim == 1): # pragma: no cover
if (z.shape[0] != z.shape[1]) and (len(x) == z.shape[0]) and (len(y) == z.shape[1]):
print(f'sc.gauss2d() warning: the length of x (={len(x)}) and y (={len(y)}) match the wrong dimensions of z; transposing')
z = z.transpose()
if len(x) != z.shape[1] or len(y) != z.shape[0]:
errormsg = f'Shape mismatch: (y, x) = {(len(y), len(x))}, but z = {z.shape}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# If checks pass, convert to full arrays
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# Handle data types
orig_dtype = z.dtype
if xi is None: xi = sc.dcp(x)
if yi is None: yi = sc.dcp(y)
if use32:
x, y, z, xi, yi = _arr32(x), _arr32(y), _arr32(z), _arr32(xi), _arr32(yi)
scale, xscale, yscale = _f32(scale), _f32(xscale), _f32(yscale)
xsc = xscale*scale
ysc = yscale*scale
# Now that we have xi and yi, handle more 1D vs 2D logic
if xi.ndim == 1 and yi.ndim == 1 and grid:
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
if xi.shape != yi.shape: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Output arrays must have same shape, but xi = {xi.shape} and yi = {yi.shape}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Flatten everything and check sizes
orig_shape = xi.shape
x = x.flatten()
y = y.flatten()
z = z.flatten()
xi = xi.flatten()
yi = yi.flatten()
ni = len(xi)
if len(x) != len(y) != len(z): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Input arrays do not have the same number of elements: x = {len(x)}, y = {len(y)}, z = {len(z)}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
if len(xi) != len(yi): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Output arrays do not have the same number of elements: xi = {len(xi)}, yi = {len(yi)}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
def calc(xi, yi):
""" Calculate the calculation """
dist = ((x - xi)/xsc)**2 + ((y - yi)/ysc)**2
weights = np.exp(-dist)
weights = weights/np.sum(weights)
val = np.sum(weights*z)
return val
# Actual computation
zi = np.zeros(ni)
if use32: zi = _arr32(zi)
for i in range(ni):
zi[i] = calc(xi[i], yi[i])
# Convert back to original size and dtype
zi = np.array(zi.reshape(orig_shape), dtype=orig_dtype)
return zi