Source code for sciris.sc_dataframe

Extension of the pandas dataframe to be more flexible, especially with filtering
rows/columns and concatenating data.

#%% Dataframe

import numbers # For numeric type
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
import sciris as sc

__all__ = ['dataframe']

[docs] class dataframe(pd.DataFrame): """ An extension of the pandas :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` with additional convenience methods for accessing rows and columns and performing other operations, such as adding rows. Args: data (dict/array/dataframe): the data to use; passed to :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>` index (array): the index to use; passed to :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>` columns (list): column labels (if a dict is supplied, the value sets the dtype) dtype (type): a dtype for the whole datafrmae; passed to :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>` dtypes (list/dict): alternatively, list of data types to set each column to nrows (int): the number of arrows to preallocate (default 0) kwargs (dict): if provided, treat these as data columns *Hint*: Run the example below line by line to get a sense of how the dataframe changes. **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(cols=['x','y'], data=[[1238,2],[384,5],[666,7]]) # Create data frame df['x'] # Print out a column df[0] # Print out a row df['x',0] # Print out an element df[0,:] = [123,6]; print(df) # Set values for a whole row df['y'] = [8,5,0]; print(df) # Set values for a whole column df['z'] = [14,14,14]; print(df) # Add new column df.rmcol('z'); print(df) # Remove a column df.addcol('z', [14,14,14]); print(df) # Alternate way to add new column df.poprow(1); print(df) # Remove a row df.append([555,2,14]); print(df) # Append a new row df.insertrow(1,[556,2,14]); print(df) # Insert a new row df.sort(); print(df) # Sort by the first column df.sort('y'); print(df) # Sort by the second column df.findrow(123) # Return the row starting with value 123 df.rmrow(); print(df) # Remove last row df.rmrow(555); print(df) # Remove the row starting with element '555' # Direct setting of data df = sc.dataframe(a=[1,2,3], b=[4,5,6]) The dataframe can be used for both numeric and non-numeric data. | *New in version 2.0.0:* subclass pandas DataFrame | *New in version 3.0.0:* "dtypes" argument; handling of item setting | *New in version 3.1.0:* use panda's equality operator by default (unless an exception is raised); new "equal" method; "cat" can be an instance method now """ def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, columns=None, dtype=None, copy=None, dtypes=None, nrows=None, **kwargs): # Handle inputs if 'cols' in kwargs: if columns is not None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The argument "cols" is an alias for "columns", do not supply both') columns = kwargs.pop('cols') if nrows and data is None: ncols = len(columns) data = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) # Handle columns and dtypes if isinstance(columns, dict): if dtypes is not None: errormsg = 'You can supply dtypes as a separate argument or as part of a columns dict, but not both' raise ValueError(errormsg) dtypes = columns # Already in the right format columns = list(columns.keys()) # Handle data if kwargs: if data is None: data = kwargs elif isinstance(data, dict): data.update(kwargs) else: errormsg = f'When providing data columns via keywords ("{sc.strjoin(kwargs.keys())}"), these can only be combined with a dict, not an object of {type(data)}. Pass the data as a dict instead.' raise TypeError(errormsg) # Check data and column compatibility if isinstance(data, dict) and columns is not None: colset = set(columns) dataset = set(data.keys()) match = colset & dataset if not len(match): warnmsg = 'No overlap between column names and data keys, are you sure you want to do this?' warnmsg += f'\nColumns: {colset}\nData keys: {dataset}' warnings.warn(warnmsg, category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) # Create the dataframe super().__init__(data=data, index=index, columns=columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) # Optionally set dtypes if dtypes is not None: self.set_dtypes(dtypes) return @property def cols(self): """ Get columns as a list """ return self.columns.tolist()
[docs] def set_dtypes(self, dtypes): """ Set dtypes in-place (see :meth:`df.astype() <pandas.DataFrame.astype>` for the user-facing version) *New in version 3.0.0.* """ if not isinstance(dtypes, dict): dtypes = {col:dtype for col,dtype in zip(self.columns, dtypes)} for col,dtype in dtypes.items(): # NB: "self.astype(dtypes, copy=False)" does not modify in place self[col] = self[col].astype(dtype) return
[docs] def col_index(self, col=None, *args, die=True): """ Get the index of the column named ``col``. Similar to ``df.columns.get_loc(col)``, and opposite of :meth:`df.col_name <dataframe.col_name>`. Args: col (str/list): the column(s) to get the index of (return 0 if None) args (list): additional column(s) to get the index of die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the column could not be found (else, return None) **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(dict(a=[1,2,3], b=[4,5,6], c=[7,8,9])) df.col_index('b') # Returns 1 df.col_index(1) # Returns 1 df.col_index('a', 'c') # Returns [0, 2] *New in version 3.0.0:* renamed from "_sanitizecols"; multiple arguments """ arglist = sc.mergelists(col, list(args), keepnone=True) outputlist = [] cols = self.cols for col in arglist: if col is None: output = 0 # If not supplied, assume first column is intended elif col in cols: output = cols.index(col) # Convert to index elif sc.isnumber(col): try: cols[col] except IndexError as E: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Column "{col}" is not a valid index; there are {len(cols)} columns' raise IndexError(errormsg) from E output = col else: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Unrecognized column/column type "{col}" {type(col)}' if die: raise TypeError(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) output = None outputlist.append(output) if len(outputlist) == 1: outputlist = outputlist[0] return outputlist
[docs] def col_name(self, col=None, *args, die=True): """ Get the name of the column(s) with index ``col``. Similar to ``df.columns[col]``, and opposite of :meth:`df.col_index <dataframe.col_index>`. **Note**: This method always looks for named columns first. If ``col`` is name of a column, it will return ``col`` rather than ``columns[col]``. See example below for more information. Args: col (int/list): the column(s) to get the index of (return 0 if None) args (list): additional column(s) to get the index of die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the column could not be found (else, return None) **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(dict(a=[1,2,3], b=[4,5,6], c=[7,8,9])) df.col_name(1) # Returns 'b' df.col_name('b') # Returns 'b' df.col_name(0, 2) # Returns ['a', 'c'] *New in version 3.0.0.* """ arglist = sc.mergelists(col, list(args), keepnone=True) outputlist = [] cols = self.cols for col in arglist: if col is None: col = 0 # If not supplied, assume first column is intended elif col in cols: output = col # It's already a column elif sc.isnumber(col): try: output = cols[col] except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Column "{col}" is not a valid index' raise IndexError(errormsg) from E else: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Unrecognized column/column type "{col}" {type(col)}' if die: raise TypeError(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) output = None outputlist.append(output) if len(outputlist) == 1: outputlist = outputlist[0] return outputlist
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Alias to pandas __getitem__ method; rarely used """ return super().__getitem__(key)
[docs] def set(self, key, value=None): """ Alias to pandas __setitem__ method; rarely used """ return super().__setitem__(key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key=None, die=True, cast=True): """ Simple method for returning; see self.flexget() for a version based on col and row """ try: # Default to the pandas version output = super().__getitem__(key) except: # ...but handle a wider variety of keys try: output = super().iloc[key] except: if sc.isstring(key): # e.g. df['a'] -- usually handled by pandas # pragma: no cover rowindex = slice(None) try: colindex = self.cols.index(key) except ValueError: errormsg = f'Key "{key}" is not a valid column; choices are: {sc.strjoin(self.cols)}' raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg) elif isinstance(key, (numbers.Number, list, np.ndarray, slice)): # e.g. df[0], df[[0,2]], df[:4] rowindex = key colindex = slice(None) elif isinstance(key, tuple): rowindex = key[0] colindex = key[1] if sc.isstring(rowindex) and not sc.isstring(colindex): # Swap order if one's a string and the other isn't rowindex, colindex = colindex, rowindex if sc.isstring(colindex): # e.g. df['a',0] colindex = self.cols.index(colindex) else: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'Unrecognized dataframe key of {type(key)}: must be str, numeric, or tuple' if die: raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) output = None output = self.iloc[rowindex,colindex] return output def __setitem__(self, key, value=None): try: # Use regular pandas for everything except keys that look like (0,'a'), ('a',0), (0,0), or (0,:) if isinstance(key, tuple) and (key not in self.columns) and (len(key) == 2) and all([isinstance(k, (int, str, Ellipsis)) for k in key]): raise NotImplementedError # Break out of the loop super().__setitem__(key, value) except Exception as E1: cols = self.cols try: rowindex = key[0] colindex = key[1] if rowindex in cols and colindex not in cols: # Swap order if one's a string and the other isn't rowindex, colindex = colindex, rowindex if colindex in cols: # e.g. df['a',0] colindex = cols.index(colindex) self.iloc[rowindex, colindex] = value except Exception as E2: # pragma: no cover if isinstance(E1, NotImplementedError): # We tried to raise it, so only care about the second one mainerr = E2 errstr = f'\n{E2}' else: # An actual pandas error, raise both mainerr = E1 errstr = f'\n{E1}\n{E2}' exc = type(mainerr) errormsg = f'Could not understand key {key}:{errstr}' raise exc(errormsg) from mainerr return
[docs] def flexget(self, cols=None, rows=None, asarray=False, cast=True, default=None): """ More complicated way of getting data from a dataframe. While getting directly by key usually returns the array data directly, this usually returns another dataframe. Args: cols (str/list): the column(s) to get rows (int/list): the row(s) to get asarray (bool): whether to return an array (otherwise, return a dataframe) cast (bool): attempt to cast to an all-numeric array default (any): the value to return if the column(s)/row(s) can't be found **Example**:: df = sc.dataframe(cols=['x','y','z'],data=[[1238,2,-1],[384,5,-2],[666,7,-3]]) # Create data frame df.flexget(cols=['x','z'], rows=[0,2]) """ if cols is None: # pragma: no cover colindices = Ellipsis else: colindices = [] for col in sc.tolist(cols): colindices.append(self.col_index(col)) if rows is None: # pragma: no cover rowindices = Ellipsis else: rowindices = rows output = self.iloc[rowindices,colindices] # Split up so can handle non-consecutive entries in either if output.size == 1: output = np.array(output).flatten()[0] # If it's a single element, return the value rather than the array elif asarray: output = np.array(output) else: output = self._constructor(data=output, columns=np.array(self.cols)[colindices].tolist()) return output
def __eq__(self, other): """ Try the default ``__eq__()``, but fall back on the more robust ``equal()`` *New in version 3.0.0.* """ try: # First try default comparison return super().__eq__(other) except: # Otherwise, use the custom check # pragma: no cover return self.equals(other)
[docs] @classmethod def equal(cls, *args, equal_nan=True): """ Class method returning boolean true/false equals that allows for more robust equality checks: same type, size, columns, and values. See :meth:`df.equals() <dataframe.equals>` for equivalent instance method. **Examples**:: df1 = sc.dataframe(a=[1, 2, np.nan]) df2 = sc.dataframe(a=[1, 2, 4]) sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df1) # Returns True sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df1, equal_nan=False) # Returns False sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df2) # Returns False sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df1, df2) # Also returns False *New in version 3.1.0.* """ if len(args) < 2: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'There must be ≥2 input arguments, not {len(args)}' raise ValueError(errormsg) base = args[0] others = args[1:] eqs = [] # Handle NaNs if equal_nan: base = base.fillna(sc.sc_math._nan_fill) for other in others: # Check type if not isinstance(other, base.__class__): eq = False # Check shape elif base.values.shape != other.values.shape: eq = False # Check columns elif not np.all(base.columns == other.columns): eq = False # Finally, check values else: if equal_nan: other = other.fillna(sc.sc_math._nan_fill) eq = np.all(base.values == other.values) eqs.append(eq) all_eq = all(eqs) return all_eq
[docs] def equals(self, other, *args, equal_nan=True): """ Try the default :meth:`equals() <pandas.DataFrame.equals>`, but fall back on the more robust :meth:`sc.dataframe.equal() <dataframe.equal>` if that fails. *New in version 3.1.0.* """ try: assert equal_nan # Regular pandas equals can't handle non-equal NaNs assert len(args) == 0 # Regular pandas can't handle multiple arguments return super().equals(other) except: # Otherwise, do manual check return self.equal(self, other, *args, equal_nan=equal_nan)
[docs] def disp(self, nrows=None, ncols=None, width=999, precision=4, options=None, **kwargs): """ Flexible display of a dataframe, showing all rows/columns by default. Args: nrows (int): maximum number of rows to show (default: all) ncols (int): maximum number of columns to show (default: all) width (int): maximum screen width (default: 999) precision (int): number of decimal places to show (default: 4) options (dict): an optional dictionary of additional options, passed to :class:`pd.option_context() <pandas.option_context>` kwargs (dict): also passed to :class:`pd.option_context() <pandas.option_context>`, with 'display.' preprended if needed **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(data=np.random.rand(100,10)) df.disp() df.disp(precision=1, ncols=5, colheader_justify='left') *New in version 2.0.1.* """ kwdict = {} for k,v in kwargs.items(): key = k if k in dir(pd.options.display): key = f'display.{k}' kwdict[key] = v opts = sc.mergedicts({ 'display.max_rows': nrows, 'display.max_columns': ncols, 'display.width': width, 'display.precision': precision, }, options, kwdict, ) optslist = [item for pair in opts.items() for item in pair] # Convert from dict to list with pd.option_context(*optslist): print(self) return
[docs] def replacedata(self, newdata=None, newdf=None, reset_index=True, inplace=True): """ Replace data in the dataframe with other data; usually not used directly by the user, but used as part of e.g. :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>`. Args: newdata (array): replace the dataframe's data with these data newdf (dataframe): substitute the current dataframe with this one reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place *New in version 3.0.0:* improved dtype handling """ if newdf is None: # pragma: no cover newdf = self._constructor(data=newdata, columns=self.columns) if reset_index: newdf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if inplace: self._update_inplace(newdf, verify_is_copy=False) return self else: return newdf
[docs] def appendrow(self, row, reset_index=True, inplace=True): """ Add row(s) to the end of the dataframe. See also :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>` and :meth:`df.insertrow() <dataframe.insertrow>`. Similar to the pandas operation ``df.iloc[-1] = ...``, but faster and provides additional type checking. Args: value (array): the row(s) to append reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place Note: "appendrow" and "concat" are equivalent, except appendrow() defaults to modifying in-place and "concat" defaults to returning a new dataframe. Warning: modifying dataframes in-place is quite inefficient. For highest performance, construct the data in large chunks and then add to the dataframe all at once, rather than adding row by row. **Example**:: import sciris as sc import numpy as np df = sc.dataframe(dict( a = ['foo','bar'], b = [1,2], c = np.random.rand(2) )) df.appendrow(['cat', 3, 0.3]) # Append a list df.appendrow(dict(a='dog', b=4, c=0.7)) # Append a dict *New in version 3.0.0:* renamed "value" to "row"; improved performance """ return self.concat(row, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def append(self, row, reset_index=True, inplace=True): """ Alias to :meth:`appendrow() <dataframe.appendrow>`. **Note**: `pd.DataFrame.append` was deprecated in pandas version 2.0; see for details. Since this method is implemented using :func:`pd.concat() <pandas.concat>`, it does not suffer from the performance problems that ``append`` did. *New in version 3.0.0.* """ return self.concat(row, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def insertrow(self, index=0, value=None, reset_index=True, inplace=True, **kwargs): """ Insert row(s) at the specified location. See also :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>` and :meth:`df.appendrow() <dataframe.appendrow>`. Args: index (int): index at which to insert new row(s) value (array): the row(s) to insert reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place kwargs (dict): passed to `:meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>` Warning: modifying dataframes in-place is quite inefficient. For highest performance, construct the data in large chunks and then add to the dataframe all at once, rather than adding row by row. **Example**:: import sciris as sc import numpy as np df = sc.dataframe(dict( a = ['foo','cat'], b = [1,3], c = np.random.rand(2) )) df.insertrow(1, ['bar', 2, 0.2]) # Insert a list df.insertrow(0, dict(a='rat', b=0, c=0.7)) # Insert a dict *New in version 3.0.0:* renamed "row" to "index" """ before = self.iloc[:index,:] after = self.iloc[index:,:] newdf =, value, after, **kwargs) return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def _sanitize_df(self, arg, columns=None, **kwargs): """ Helper function to sanitize input into the correct format for constructing a new dataframe """ if isinstance(arg, pd.DataFrame): df = arg else: if isinstance(arg, dict): columns = list(arg.keys()) arg = list(arg.values()) argarray = arg if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) else np.array(arg) # Solely for checking the shape if argarray.shape == (self.ncols,): # If it's a single row with the right number of columns, make 2D arg = [arg] df = self._constructor(data=arg, columns=columns, **kwargs) return df
[docs] def concat(self, data, *args, columns=None, reset_index=True, inplace=False, dfargs=None, **kwargs): """ Concatenate additional data onto the current dataframe. Similar to :meth:`df.appendrow() <dataframe.appendrow>` and :meth:`df.insertrow() <dataframe.insertrow>`; see also :meth:` <>` for the equivalent class method. Args: data (dataframe/array): the data to concatenate *args (dataframe/array): additional data to concatenate columns (list): if supplied, columns to go with the data reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to append in place dfargs (dict): arguments passed to construct each dataframe **kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`pd.concat() <pandas.concat>` **Example**:: arr1 = np.random.rand(6,3) df2 = sc.dataframe(np.random.rand(4,3)) df3 = df2.concat(arr1) | *New in version 2.0.2:* "inplace" defaults to False | *New in version 3.0.0:* improved type handling """ dfargs = sc.mergedicts(dfargs) dfs = [self] if columns is None: columns = self.columns for arg in [data] + list(args): df = self._sanitize_df(arg, columns=columns, **dfargs) dfs.append(df) newdf = self._constructor(pd.concat(dfs, **kwargs), **dfargs) return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
[docs] @classmethod def cat(cls, data, *args, dfargs=None, **kwargs): """ Convenience class method for concatenating multiple dataframes. See :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>` for the equivalent instance method. Args: data (dataframe/array): the dataframe/data to use as the basis of the new dataframe args (list): additional dataframes (or object that can be converted to dataframes) to concatenate dfargs (dict): arguments passed to construct each dataframe kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>` **Example**:: arr1 = np.random.rand(6,3) df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4,3)) df3 =, df2) *New in version 2.0.2.* """ dfargs = sc.mergedicts(dfargs) df = cls(data, **dfargs) if len(args): df = df.concat(*args, dfargs=dfargs, **kwargs) return df
[docs] def merge(self, *args, reset_index=True, inplace=False, **kwargs): """ Alias to :func:`pd.merge <pandas.merge>`, except merge in place. Args: reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to append in place **kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`pd.concat() <pandas.concat>` *New in version 3.0.0.* **Example**:: df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[1,2,3], y=[4,5,6])) df2 = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[1,2,3], z=[9,8,7])) df.merge(df2, on='x', inplace=True) """ newdf = self._constructor(pd.merge(self, *args, **kwargs)) return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
@property def ncols(self): """ Get the number of columns in the dataframe """ return len(self.columns) @property def nrows(self): """ Get the number of rows in the dataframe """ return len(self)
[docs] def addcol(self, key=None, value=None, data=None, inplace=True, **kwargs): """ Add new column(s) to the data frame See also :meth:`assign() <pandas.DataFrame.assign>`, which is similar, but returns a new dataframe by default. Args: key (str): the name of the column value (array): the values for the column data (dict): alternatively, specify a dictionary of columns to add inplace (bool): whether to return a new dataframe kwargs (dict): additional columns to add NB: a single argument is interpreted as "data" **Example**:: df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[1,2,3], y=[4,5,6])) new_cols = dict(z=[1,2,3], a=[9,8,7]) df.addcol(new_cols) """ # Parse into a data dict if isinstance(key, dict): data = key if value is not None: errormsg = 'If appending columns via dict, value cannot be specified' raise ValueError(errormsg) elif key is not None: data = {key:value} else: data = {} data.update(kwargs) # Do the update if inplace: for k,v in data.items(): self.__setitem__(k, v) return else: return self.assign(**data)
[docs] def popcols(self, col=None, *args, die=True): """ Remove a column or columns from the data frame. Alias to :meth:`pop() <pandas.DataFrame.pop>`, except allowing multiple columns to be popped. Args: col (str/list): the column(s) to be popped args (list): additional columns to pop die (bool): whether to raise an exception if a column is not found **Example**:: df = sc.dataframe(cols=['a','b','c','d'], data=np.random.rand(3,4)) df.popcols('a','c') """ cols = sc.mergelists(col, list(args), keepnone=True) for col in cols: if col not in self.columns: # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'sc.dataframe(): cannot remove column {col}: columns are:\n{sc.newlinejoin(self.cols)}' if die: raise Exception(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) else: self.pop(col) return self
[docs] def findind(self, value=None, col=None, closest=False, die=True): """ Find the row index for a given value and column. See :meth:`df.findrow() <dataframe.findrow>` for the equivalent to return the row itself rather than the index of the row. See :meth:`df.col_index() <dataframe.col_index>` for the column equivalent. Args: value (any): the value to look for (default: return last row index) col (str): the column to look in (default: first) closest (bool): if true, return the closest match if an exact match is not found die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the value is not found (otherwise, return None) **Example**:: df = sc.dataframe(data=[[2016,0.3],[2017,0.5]], columns=['year','val']) df.findind(2016) # returns 0 df.findind(0.5, 'val') # returns 1 df.findind(2013) # returns None, or exception if die is True df.findind(2013, closest=True) # returns 0 *New in version 3.0.0:* renamed from "_rowindex" """ col = self.col_index(col) coldata = self.iloc[:,col].values # Get data for this column if value is None: # pragma: no cover return len(coldata)-1 # If not supplied, pick the last element if closest: # pragma: no cover index = np.argmin(abs(coldata-value)) # Find the closest match to the key else: try: index = coldata.tolist().index(value) # Try to find duplicates except: # pragma: no cover if die: errormsg = f'Item {value} not found; choices are: {coldata}' raise IndexError(errormsg) else: return return index
def _diffinds(self, inds=None): """ For a given set of indices, get the inverse, in set-speak """ if inds is None: inds = [] all_inds = np.arange(self.nrows) these_inds = all_inds[inds] diff_set = np.setdiff1d(all_inds, these_inds) return diff_set
[docs] def poprow(self, row=-1, returnval=True): """ Remove a row from the data frame. Alias to :meth:`drop <pandas.DataFrame.drop>`, except drop by position rather than label, and modify in-place. To pop multiple rows, see meth:`df.poprows() <dataframe.poprows>`. Args: row (int): index of the row to pop returnval (bool): whether to return the row that was popped To pop a column, see :meth:`df.pop() <pandas.DataFrame.pop>`. *New in version 3.0.0:* "key" argument renamed "row" """ if isinstance(row, int): rowindex = row indexkey = self.index[row] else: # It's a string (most likely): find the corresponding index rowindex = self.index.get_indexer(row) indexkey = row if returnval: thisrow = self.iloc[rowindex,:] self.drop(indexkey, inplace=True) if returnval: return thisrow else: return self
[docs] def poprows(self, inds=-1, value=None, col=None, reset_index=True, inplace=True, **kwargs): """ Remove multiple rows by index or value To pop a single row, see meth:`df.poprow() <dataframe.poprow>`. Args: inds (list): the rows to remove values (list): alternatively, search for these values to remove; see :meth:`df.findinds <dataframe.findinds>` for details col (str): if removing by value, use this column to find the values reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place kwargs (dict): passed to :meth:`df.findinds <dataframe.findinds>` **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(np.random.rand(10,3)) df.poprows([3,4,5]) df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[0,1,2,3,4], y=[2,3,2,7,8])) df.poprows(value=2, col='y') """ if value is not None: inds = self.findinds(value=value, col=col, **kwargs) keep_set = self._diffinds(inds) keep_data = self.iloc[keep_set,:] newdf = self._constructor(data=keep_data, cols=self.cols) return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def enumrows(self, cols=None, type='objdict'): """ Efficiently enumerate the rows of the dataframe Similar to :meth:`df.iterrows() <pandas.DataFrame.iterrows>`, but up to 30x faster since uses tuples instead of ``pd.Series``. Args: cols (list): the list of columns to include in the enumeration (by default, all) type (str/type): the output type for each row: options are 'objdict' (default), tuple (fastest), list (very fast), dict (pretty fast) **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[0,1,2,3,4], y=[2,3,2,7,8], z=[5,5,4,3,2])) for i,row in df.enumrows(): print(i, row.x+row.y) # Typical use case for i,row in df.enumrows(type=tuple): print(i, row[0]+row[1]) # Fastest for i,row in df.enumrows(type=dict): print(i, row['x']+row['y']) # Still fast for i,(x,y) in df.enumrows(cols=['x', 'y'], type=tuple): print(i, x+y) # Even faster """ # Handle the columns if cols is None: cols = self.columns dftuple = (self[col] for col in cols) # Handle the output type type_map = { 'tuple': tuple, 'list': list, 'dict': dict, 'objdict': sc.objdict, } if isinstance(type, str) and type in type_map: func = type_map[type] elif callable(type): func = type type = sc.swapdict(type_map)[func] else: errormsg = f'Invalid input {type}: must be tuple, list, dict, or objdict' raise ValueError(errormsg) dictlike = type in ['dict', 'objdict'] # Iterate if dictlike: for i,row in enumerate(zip(*dftuple)): row = func({k:v for k,v in zip(cols, row)}) yield (i, row) else: for i,row in enumerate(zip(*dftuple)): row = func(row) yield (i, row)
[docs] def replacecol(self, col=None, old=None, new=None): """ Replace all of one value in a column with a new value """ col = self.col_index(col) coldata = self.iloc[:,col] # Get data for this column inds = sc.findinds(arr=coldata, val=old) self.iloc[inds,col] = new return self
[docs] def to_odict(self, row=None): """ Convert dataframe to a dict of columns, optionally specifying certain rows. Args: row (int/list): the rows to include """ if row is None: row = slice(None) data = self.iloc[row,:].values datadict = {col:data[:,c] for c,col in enumerate(self.cols)} output = sc.odict(datadict) return output
[docs] def findrow(self, value=None, col=None, default=None, closest=False, asdict=False, die=False): """ Return a row by searching for a matching value. See :meth:`df.findind() <dataframe.findind>` for the equivalent to return the index of the row rather than the row itself, and :meth:`df.findinds() <dataframe.findinds>` to find multiple row indices. Args: value (any): the value to look for col (str): the column to look for this value in default (any): the value to return if key is not found (overrides die) closest (bool): whether or not to return the closest row (overrides default and die) asdict (bool): whether to return results as dict rather than list die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the value is not found **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(cols=['year','val'],data=[[2016,0.3],[2017,0.5], [2018, 0.3]]) df.findrow(2016) # returns array([2016, 0.3], dtype=object) df.findrow(2013) # returns None, or exception if die is True df.findrow(2013, closest=True) # returns array([2016, 0.3], dtype=object) df.findrow(2016, asdict=True) # returns {'year':2016, 'val':0.3} """ index = self.findind(value=value, col=col, die=(die and default is None), closest=closest) if index is not None: thisrow = self.iloc[index,:].values if asdict: thisrow = self.to_odict(thisrow) else: thisrow = default # If not found, return as default return thisrow
[docs] def findinds(self, value=None, col=None, **kwargs): """ Return the indices of all rows matching the given key in a given column. Args: value (any): the value to look for col (str): the column to look in kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`sc.findinds() <sciris.sc_math.findinds>` **Example**:: df = sc.dataframe(cols=['year','val'],data=[[2016,0.3],[2017,0.5], [2018, 0.3]]) df.findinds(0.3, 'val') # Returns array([0,2]) """ col = self.col_index(col) coldata = self.iloc[:,col].values # Get data for this column inds = sc.findinds(arr=coldata, val=value, **kwargs) return inds
def _filterrows(self, inds=None, value=None, col=None, keep=True, verbose=False, reset_index=True, inplace=False): """ Filter rows and either keep the ones matching, or discard them """ if value is not None: inds = self.findinds(value=value, col=col) if keep: inds = self._diffinds(inds) if verbose: print(f'Dataframe filtering: {len(inds)} rows removed based on key="{inds}", column="{col}"') output = self.poprows(inds=inds, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace) return output
[docs] def filterin(self, inds=None, value=None, col=None, verbose=False, reset_index=True, inplace=False): """ Keep only rows matching a criterion; see also :meth:`df.filterout() <dataframe.filterout>` """ return self._filterrows(inds=inds, value=value, col=col, keep=True, verbose=verbose, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def filterout(self, inds=None, value=None, col=None, verbose=False, reset_index=True, inplace=False): """ Remove rows matching a criterion (in place); see also :meth:`df.filterin() <dataframe.filterin>` """ return self._filterrows(inds=inds, value=value, col=col, keep=False, verbose=verbose, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def filtercols(self, cols=None, *args, keep=True, die=True, reset_index=True, inplace=False): """ Filter columns keeping only those specified -- note, by default, do not perform in place Args: cols (str/list): the columns to keep (or remove if keep=False) args (list): additional columns keep (bool): whether to keep the named columns (else, remove them) die (bool): whether to raise an exception if a column is not found reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place **Examples**:: df = sc.dataframe(cols=['a','b','c','d'], data=np.random.rand(3,4)) df2 = df.filtercols('a','b') # Keeps columns 'a' and 'b' df3 = df.filtercols('a','c', keep=False) # Keeps columns 'b' and 'd' """ cols = sc.mergelists(cols, list(args), keepnone=True) order = [] notfound = [] for col in cols: try: order.append(self.cols.index(col)) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover cols.remove(col) notfound.append(col) if len(notfound): # pragma: no cover errormsg = 'sc.dataframe(): could not find the following column(s): %s\nChoices are: %s' % (notfound, self.cols) if die: raise Exception(errormsg) else: print(errormsg) if not keep: # pragma: no cover order = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(self.cols)), order) cols = [self.cols[o] for o in order] ordered_data = self.iloc[:,order] # Resort and filter the data newdf = self._constructor(cols=cols, data=ordered_data) return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def sortrows(self, by=None, reverse=False, returninds=False, reset_index=True, inplace=True, **kwargs): """ Sort the dataframe rows in place by the specified column(s). Similar to :meth:`df.sort_values() <pandas.DataFrame.sort_values>`, except defaults to sorting in place, and optionally returns the indices used for sorting (like :func:`np.argsort() <numpy.argsort>`). Args: col (str or int): column to sort by (default, first column) reverse (bool): whether to reverse the sort order (i.e., ascending=False) returninds (bool): whether to return the indices used to sort instead of the dataframe reset_index (bool): update the index inplace (bool): whether to modify the dataframe in-place kwargs (dict): passed to :meth:`df.sort_values() <pandas.DataFrame.sort_values>` *New in version 3.0.0:* "inplace" argument; "col" argument renamed "by" """ by = kwargs.pop('col', by) # Handle deprecation ascending = kwargs.pop('ascending', not(reverse)) if by is None: by = 0 # Sort by first column by default if isinstance(by, int): by = self.columns[by] if returninds: sortorder = np.argsort(self[by].values, kind='mergesort') # To preserve order df = self.sort_values(by=by, ascending=ascending, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) out = self if inplace else df if reset_index: out.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if returninds: return sortorder else: return out
[docs] def sort(self, by=None, reverse=False, returninds=False, inplace=True, **kwargs): """ Alias to :meth:`sortrows() <dataframe.sortrows>`. *New in version 3.0.0.* """ return self.sortrows(by=by, reverse=reverse, returninds=returninds, inplace=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def sortcols(self, sortorder=None, reverse=False, inplace=True): """ Like sortrows(), but change column order (usually in place) instead. Args: sortorder (list): the list of indices to resort the columns by (if none, then alphabetical) reverse (bool): whether to reverse the order inplace (bool): whether to modify the dataframe in-place *New in version 3.0.0:* Ensure dtypes are preserved; "inplace" argument; "returninds" argument removed """ if sortorder is None: sortorder = np.argsort(self.cols, kind='mergesort') if reverse: sortorder = sortorder[::-1] newcols = list(np.array(self.cols)[sortorder]) newdf = dataframe({k:self[k] for k in newcols}) return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def to_pandas(self, **kwargs): """ Convert to a plain pandas dataframe """ return pd.DataFrame(self)
[docs] @classmethod def read_csv(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Alias to :func:`pd.read_csv <pandas.read_csv`, returning a Sciris dataframe """ return cls(pd.read_csv(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] @classmethod def read_excel(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Alias to :func:`pd.read_excel <pandas.read_excel`, returning a Sciris dataframe """ return cls(pd.read_excel(*args, **kwargs))
@property def _constructor(self): """ Overload pandas method to ensure correct type; replaces :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>` """ return self.__class__ # To allow subclassing