Extension of the pandas dataframe to be more flexible, especially with filtering
rows/columns and concatenating data.
#%% Dataframe
import numbers # For numeric type
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
import sciris as sc
__all__ = ['dataframe']
class dataframe(pd.DataFrame):
An extension of the pandas :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` with additional convenience methods for
accessing rows and columns and performing other operations, such as adding rows.
data (dict/array/dataframe): the data to use; passed to :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>`
index (array): the index to use; passed to :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>`
columns (list): column labels (if a dict is supplied, the value sets the dtype)
dtype (type): a dtype for the whole datafrmae; passed to :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>`
dtypes (list/dict): alternatively, list of data types to set each column to
nrows (int): the number of arrows to preallocate (default 0)
kwargs (dict): if provided, treat these as data columns
*Hint*: Run the example below line by line to get a sense of how the dataframe
df = sc.dataframe(cols=['x','y'], data=[[1238,2],[384,5],[666,7]]) # Create data frame
df['x'] # Print out a column
df[0] # Print out a row
df['x',0] # Print out an element
df[0,:] = [123,6]; print(df) # Set values for a whole row
df['y'] = [8,5,0]; print(df) # Set values for a whole column
df['z'] = [14,14,14]; print(df) # Add new column
df.rmcol('z'); print(df) # Remove a column
df.addcol('z', [14,14,14]); print(df) # Alternate way to add new column
df.poprow(1); print(df) # Remove a row
df.append([555,2,14]); print(df) # Append a new row
df.insertrow(1,[556,2,14]); print(df) # Insert a new row
df.sort(); print(df) # Sort by the first column
df.sort('y'); print(df) # Sort by the second column
df.findrow(123) # Return the row starting with value 123
df.rmrow(); print(df) # Remove last row
df.rmrow(555); print(df) # Remove the row starting with element '555'
# Direct setting of data
df = sc.dataframe(a=[1,2,3], b=[4,5,6])
The dataframe can be used for both numeric and non-numeric data.
| *New in version 2.0.0:* subclass pandas DataFrame
| *New in version 3.0.0:* "dtypes" argument; handling of item setting
| *New in version 3.1.0:* use panda's equality operator by default (unless an exception is raised); new "equal" method; "cat" can be an instance method now
def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, columns=None, dtype=None, copy=None,
dtypes=None, nrows=None, **kwargs):
# Handle inputs
if 'cols' in kwargs:
if columns is not None: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('The argument "cols" is an alias for "columns", do not supply both')
columns = kwargs.pop('cols')
if nrows and data is None:
ncols = len(columns)
data = np.zeros((nrows, ncols))
# Handle columns and dtypes
if isinstance(columns, dict):
if dtypes is not None:
errormsg = 'You can supply dtypes as a separate argument or as part of a columns dict, but not both'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
dtypes = columns # Already in the right format
columns = list(columns.keys())
# Handle data
if kwargs:
if data is None:
data = kwargs
elif isinstance(data, dict):
errormsg = f'When providing data columns via keywords ("{sc.strjoin(kwargs.keys())}"), these can only be combined with a dict, not an object of {type(data)}. Pass the data as a dict instead.'
raise TypeError(errormsg)
# Check data and column compatibility
if isinstance(data, dict) and columns is not None:
colset = set(columns)
dataset = set(data.keys())
match = colset & dataset
if not len(match):
warnmsg = 'No overlap between column names and data keys, are you sure you want to do this?'
warnmsg += f'\nColumns: {colset}\nData keys: {dataset}'
warnings.warn(warnmsg, category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
# Create the dataframe
super().__init__(data=data, index=index, columns=columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
# Optionally set dtypes
if dtypes is not None:
def cols(self):
""" Get columns as a list """
return self.columns.tolist()
def set_dtypes(self, dtypes):
Set dtypes in-place (see :meth:`df.astype() <pandas.DataFrame.astype>` for the user-facing version)
*New in version 3.0.0.*
if not isinstance(dtypes, dict):
dtypes = {col:dtype for col,dtype in zip(self.columns, dtypes)}
for col,dtype in dtypes.items(): # NB: "self.astype(dtypes, copy=False)" does not modify in place
self[col] = self[col].astype(dtype)
def col_index(self, col=None, *args, die=True):
Get the index of the column named ``col``.
Similar to ``df.columns.get_loc(col)``, and opposite of :meth:`df.col_name <dataframe.col_name>`.
col (str/list): the column(s) to get the index of (return 0 if None)
args (list): additional column(s) to get the index of
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the column could not be found (else, return None)
df = sc.dataframe(dict(a=[1,2,3], b=[4,5,6], c=[7,8,9]))
df.col_index('b') # Returns 1
df.col_index(1) # Returns 1
df.col_index('a', 'c') # Returns [0, 2]
*New in version 3.0.0:* renamed from "_sanitizecols"; multiple arguments
arglist = sc.mergelists(col, list(args), keepnone=True)
outputlist = []
cols = self.cols
for col in arglist:
if col is None:
output = 0 # If not supplied, assume first column is intended
elif col in cols:
output = cols.index(col) # Convert to index
elif sc.isnumber(col):
except IndexError as E: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Column "{col}" is not a valid index; there are {len(cols)} columns'
raise IndexError(errormsg) from E
output = col
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Unrecognized column/column type "{col}" {type(col)}'
if die:
raise TypeError(errormsg)
output = None
if len(outputlist) == 1:
outputlist = outputlist[0]
return outputlist
def col_name(self, col=None, *args, die=True):
Get the name of the column(s) with index ``col``.
Similar to ``df.columns[col]``, and opposite of :meth:`df.col_index <dataframe.col_index>`.
**Note**: This method always looks for named columns first. If ``col`` is
name of a column, it will return ``col`` rather than ``columns[col]``. See
example below for more information.
col (int/list): the column(s) to get the index of (return 0 if None)
args (list): additional column(s) to get the index of
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the column could not be found (else, return None)
df = sc.dataframe(dict(a=[1,2,3], b=[4,5,6], c=[7,8,9]))
df.col_name(1) # Returns 'b'
df.col_name('b') # Returns 'b'
df.col_name(0, 2) # Returns ['a', 'c']
*New in version 3.0.0.*
arglist = sc.mergelists(col, list(args), keepnone=True)
outputlist = []
cols = self.cols
for col in arglist:
if col is None:
col = 0 # If not supplied, assume first column is intended
elif col in cols:
output = col # It's already a column
elif sc.isnumber(col):
output = cols[col]
except Exception as E: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Column "{col}" is not a valid index'
raise IndexError(errormsg) from E
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Unrecognized column/column type "{col}" {type(col)}'
if die:
raise TypeError(errormsg)
output = None
if len(outputlist) == 1:
outputlist = outputlist[0]
return outputlist
def get(self, key):
""" Alias to pandas __getitem__ method; rarely used """
return super().__getitem__(key)
def set(self, key, value=None):
""" Alias to pandas __setitem__ method; rarely used """
return super().__setitem__(key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key=None, die=True, cast=True):
""" Simple method for returning; see self.flexget() for a version based on col and row """
try: # Default to the pandas version
output = super().__getitem__(key)
except: # ...but handle a wider variety of keys
output = super().iloc[key]
if sc.isstring(key): # e.g. df['a'] -- usually handled by pandas # pragma: no cover
rowindex = slice(None)
colindex = self.cols.index(key)
except ValueError:
errormsg = f'Key "{key}" is not a valid column; choices are: {sc.strjoin(self.cols)}'
raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)
elif isinstance(key, (numbers.Number, list, np.ndarray, slice)): # e.g. df[0], df[[0,2]], df[:4]
rowindex = key
colindex = slice(None)
elif isinstance(key, tuple):
rowindex = key[0]
colindex = key[1]
if sc.isstring(rowindex) and not sc.isstring(colindex): # Swap order if one's a string and the other isn't
rowindex, colindex = colindex, rowindex
if sc.isstring(colindex): # e.g. df['a',0]
colindex = self.cols.index(colindex)
else: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'Unrecognized dataframe key of {type(key)}: must be str, numeric, or tuple'
if die:
raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)
output = None
output = self.iloc[rowindex,colindex]
return output
def __setitem__(self, key, value=None):
# Use regular pandas for everything except keys that look like (0,'a'), ('a',0), (0,0), or (0,:)
if isinstance(key, tuple) and (key not in self.columns) and (len(key) == 2) and all([isinstance(k, (int, str, Ellipsis)) for k in key]):
raise NotImplementedError # Break out of the loop
super().__setitem__(key, value)
except Exception as E1:
cols = self.cols
rowindex = key[0]
colindex = key[1]
if rowindex in cols and colindex not in cols: # Swap order if one's a string and the other isn't
rowindex, colindex = colindex, rowindex
if colindex in cols: # e.g. df['a',0]
colindex = cols.index(colindex)
self.iloc[rowindex, colindex] = value
except Exception as E2: # pragma: no cover
if isinstance(E1, NotImplementedError): # We tried to raise it, so only care about the second one
mainerr = E2
errstr = f'\n{E2}'
else: # An actual pandas error, raise both
mainerr = E1
errstr = f'\n{E1}\n{E2}'
exc = type(mainerr)
errormsg = f'Could not understand key {key}:{errstr}'
raise exc(errormsg) from mainerr
def flexget(self, cols=None, rows=None, asarray=False, cast=True, default=None):
More complicated way of getting data from a dataframe. While getting directly
by key usually returns the array data directly, this usually returns another
cols (str/list): the column(s) to get
rows (int/list): the row(s) to get
asarray (bool): whether to return an array (otherwise, return a dataframe)
cast (bool): attempt to cast to an all-numeric array
default (any): the value to return if the column(s)/row(s) can't be found
df = sc.dataframe(cols=['x','y','z'],data=[[1238,2,-1],[384,5,-2],[666,7,-3]]) # Create data frame
df.flexget(cols=['x','z'], rows=[0,2])
if cols is None: # pragma: no cover
colindices = Ellipsis
colindices = []
for col in sc.tolist(cols):
if rows is None: # pragma: no cover
rowindices = Ellipsis
rowindices = rows
output = self.iloc[rowindices,colindices] # Split up so can handle non-consecutive entries in either
if output.size == 1:
output = np.array(output).flatten()[0] # If it's a single element, return the value rather than the array
elif asarray:
output = np.array(output)
output = self._constructor(data=output, columns=np.array(self.cols)[colindices].tolist())
return output
def __eq__(self, other):
Try the default ``__eq__()``, but fall back on the more robust ``equal()``
*New in version 3.0.0.*
try: # First try default comparison
return super().__eq__(other)
except: # Otherwise, use the custom check # pragma: no cover
return self.equals(other)
def equal(cls, *args, equal_nan=True):
Class method returning boolean true/false equals that allows for more robust equality checks:
same type, size, columns, and values. See :meth:`df.equals() <dataframe.equals>` for
equivalent instance method.
df1 = sc.dataframe(a=[1, 2, np.nan])
df2 = sc.dataframe(a=[1, 2, 4])
sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df1) # Returns True
sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df1, equal_nan=False) # Returns False
sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df2) # Returns False
sc.dataframe.equal(df1, df1, df2) # Also returns False
*New in version 3.1.0.*
if len(args) < 2: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'There must be ≥2 input arguments, not {len(args)}'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
base = args[0]
others = args[1:]
eqs = []
# Handle NaNs
if equal_nan:
base = base.fillna(sc.sc_math._nan_fill)
for other in others:
# Check type
if not isinstance(other, base.__class__):
eq = False
# Check shape
elif base.values.shape != other.values.shape:
eq = False
# Check columns
elif not np.all(base.columns == other.columns):
eq = False
# Finally, check values
if equal_nan:
other = other.fillna(sc.sc_math._nan_fill)
eq = np.all(base.values == other.values)
all_eq = all(eqs)
return all_eq
def equals(self, other, *args, equal_nan=True):
Try the default :meth:`equals() <pandas.DataFrame.equals>`, but fall back
on the more robust :meth:`sc.dataframe.equal() <dataframe.equal>` if that
*New in version 3.1.0.*
assert equal_nan # Regular pandas equals can't handle non-equal NaNs
assert len(args) == 0 # Regular pandas can't handle multiple arguments
return super().equals(other)
except: # Otherwise, do manual check
return self.equal(self, other, *args, equal_nan=equal_nan)
def disp(self, nrows=None, ncols=None, width=999, precision=4, options=None, **kwargs):
Flexible display of a dataframe, showing all rows/columns by default.
nrows (int): maximum number of rows to show (default: all)
ncols (int): maximum number of columns to show (default: all)
width (int): maximum screen width (default: 999)
precision (int): number of decimal places to show (default: 4)
options (dict): an optional dictionary of additional options, passed to :class:`pd.option_context() <pandas.option_context>`
kwargs (dict): also passed to :class:`pd.option_context() <pandas.option_context>`, with 'display.' preprended if needed
df = sc.dataframe(data=np.random.rand(100,10))
df.disp(precision=1, ncols=5, colheader_justify='left')
*New in version 2.0.1.*
kwdict = {}
for k,v in kwargs.items():
key = k
if k in dir(pd.options.display):
key = f'display.{k}'
kwdict[key] = v
opts = sc.mergedicts({
'display.max_rows': nrows,
'display.max_columns': ncols,
'display.width': width,
'display.precision': precision,
optslist = [item for pair in opts.items() for item in pair] # Convert from dict to list
with pd.option_context(*optslist):
def replacedata(self, newdata=None, newdf=None, reset_index=True, inplace=True):
Replace data in the dataframe with other data; usually not used directly
by the user, but used as part of e.g. :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>`.
newdata (array): replace the dataframe's data with these data
newdf (dataframe): substitute the current dataframe with this one
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place
*New in version 3.0.0:* improved dtype handling
if newdf is None: # pragma: no cover
newdf = self._constructor(data=newdata, columns=self.columns)
if reset_index:
newdf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
if inplace:
self._update_inplace(newdf, verify_is_copy=False)
return self
return newdf
def appendrow(self, row, reset_index=True, inplace=True):
Add row(s) to the end of the dataframe.
See also :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>` and :meth:`df.insertrow() <dataframe.insertrow>`. Similar to the pandas operation
``df.iloc[-1] = ...``, but faster and provides additional type checking.
value (array): the row(s) to append
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place
Note: "appendrow" and "concat" are equivalent, except appendrow() defaults
to modifying in-place and "concat" defaults to returning a new dataframe.
Warning: modifying dataframes in-place is quite inefficient. For highest
performance, construct the data in large chunks and then add to the dataframe
all at once, rather than adding row by row.
import sciris as sc
import numpy as np
df = sc.dataframe(dict(
a = ['foo','bar'],
b = [1,2],
c = np.random.rand(2)
df.appendrow(['cat', 3, 0.3]) # Append a list
df.appendrow(dict(a='dog', b=4, c=0.7)) # Append a dict
*New in version 3.0.0:* renamed "value" to "row"; improved performance
return self.concat(row, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def append(self, row, reset_index=True, inplace=True):
Alias to :meth:`appendrow() <dataframe.appendrow>`.
**Note**: `pd.DataFrame.append` was deprecated in pandas version 2.0; see
https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/35407 for details. Since this
method is implemented using :func:`pd.concat() <pandas.concat>`, it does
not suffer from the performance problems that ``append`` did.
*New in version 3.0.0.*
return self.concat(row, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def insertrow(self, index=0, value=None, reset_index=True, inplace=True, **kwargs):
Insert row(s) at the specified location. See also :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>`
and :meth:`df.appendrow() <dataframe.appendrow>`.
index (int): index at which to insert new row(s)
value (array): the row(s) to insert
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place
kwargs (dict): passed to `:meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>`
Warning: modifying dataframes in-place is quite inefficient. For highest
performance, construct the data in large chunks and then add to the dataframe
all at once, rather than adding row by row.
import sciris as sc
import numpy as np
df = sc.dataframe(dict(
a = ['foo','cat'],
b = [1,3],
c = np.random.rand(2)
df.insertrow(1, ['bar', 2, 0.2]) # Insert a list
df.insertrow(0, dict(a='rat', b=0, c=0.7)) # Insert a dict
*New in version 3.0.0:* renamed "row" to "index"
before = self.iloc[:index,:]
after = self.iloc[index:,:]
newdf = self.cat(before, value, after, **kwargs)
return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def _sanitize_df(self, arg, columns=None, **kwargs):
""" Helper function to sanitize input into the correct format for constructing a new dataframe """
if isinstance(arg, pd.DataFrame):
df = arg
if isinstance(arg, dict):
columns = list(arg.keys())
arg = list(arg.values())
argarray = arg if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) else np.array(arg) # Solely for checking the shape
if argarray.shape == (self.ncols,): # If it's a single row with the right number of columns, make 2D
arg = [arg]
df = self._constructor(data=arg, columns=columns, **kwargs)
return df
def concat(self, data, *args, columns=None, reset_index=True, inplace=False, dfargs=None, **kwargs):
Concatenate additional data onto the current dataframe.
Similar to :meth:`df.appendrow() <dataframe.appendrow>` and :meth:`df.insertrow() <dataframe.insertrow>`;
see also :meth:`sc.dataframe.cat() <dataframe.cat>` for the equivalent class method.
data (dataframe/array): the data to concatenate
*args (dataframe/array): additional data to concatenate
columns (list): if supplied, columns to go with the data
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to append in place
dfargs (dict): arguments passed to construct each dataframe
**kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`pd.concat() <pandas.concat>`
arr1 = np.random.rand(6,3)
df2 = sc.dataframe(np.random.rand(4,3))
df3 = df2.concat(arr1)
| *New in version 2.0.2:* "inplace" defaults to False
| *New in version 3.0.0:* improved type handling
dfargs = sc.mergedicts(dfargs)
dfs = [self]
if columns is None:
columns = self.columns
for arg in [data] + list(args):
df = self._sanitize_df(arg, columns=columns, **dfargs)
newdf = self._constructor(pd.concat(dfs, **kwargs), **dfargs)
return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def cat(cls, data, *args, dfargs=None, **kwargs):
Convenience class method for concatenating multiple dataframes. See :meth:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>`
for the equivalent instance method.
data (dataframe/array): the dataframe/data to use as the basis of the new dataframe
args (list): additional dataframes (or object that can be converted to dataframes) to concatenate
dfargs (dict): arguments passed to construct each dataframe
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`df.concat() <dataframe.concat>`
arr1 = np.random.rand(6,3)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4,3))
df3 = sc.dataframe.cat(arr1, df2)
*New in version 2.0.2.*
dfargs = sc.mergedicts(dfargs)
df = cls(data, **dfargs)
if len(args):
df = df.concat(*args, dfargs=dfargs, **kwargs)
return df
def merge(self, *args, reset_index=True, inplace=False, **kwargs):
Alias to :func:`pd.merge <pandas.merge>`, except merge in place.
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to append in place
**kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`pd.concat() <pandas.concat>`
*New in version 3.0.0.*
df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[1,2,3], y=[4,5,6]))
df2 = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[1,2,3], z=[9,8,7]))
df.merge(df2, on='x', inplace=True)
newdf = self._constructor(pd.merge(self, *args, **kwargs))
return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def ncols(self):
""" Get the number of columns in the dataframe """
return len(self.columns)
def nrows(self):
""" Get the number of rows in the dataframe """
return len(self)
def addcol(self, key=None, value=None, data=None, inplace=True, **kwargs):
Add new column(s) to the data frame
See also :meth:`assign() <pandas.DataFrame.assign>`, which is similar, but
returns a new dataframe by default.
key (str): the name of the column
value (array): the values for the column
data (dict): alternatively, specify a dictionary of columns to add
inplace (bool): whether to return a new dataframe
kwargs (dict): additional columns to add
NB: a single argument is interpreted as "data"
df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[1,2,3], y=[4,5,6]))
new_cols = dict(z=[1,2,3], a=[9,8,7])
# Parse into a data dict
if isinstance(key, dict):
data = key
if value is not None:
errormsg = 'If appending columns via dict, value cannot be specified'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
elif key is not None:
data = {key:value}
data = {}
# Do the update
if inplace:
for k,v in data.items():
self.__setitem__(k, v)
return self.assign(**data)
def popcols(self, col=None, *args, die=True):
Remove a column or columns from the data frame.
Alias to :meth:`pop() <pandas.DataFrame.pop>`, except allowing multiple
columns to be popped.
col (str/list): the column(s) to be popped
args (list): additional columns to pop
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if a column is not found
df = sc.dataframe(cols=['a','b','c','d'], data=np.random.rand(3,4))
cols = sc.mergelists(col, list(args), keepnone=True)
for col in cols:
if col not in self.columns: # pragma: no cover
errormsg = f'sc.dataframe(): cannot remove column {col}: columns are:\n{sc.newlinejoin(self.cols)}'
if die: raise Exception(errormsg)
else: print(errormsg)
return self
def findind(self, value=None, col=None, closest=False, die=True):
Find the row index for a given value and column.
See :meth:`df.findrow() <dataframe.findrow>` for the equivalent to return the row itself
rather than the index of the row. See :meth:`df.col_index() <dataframe.col_index>` for the column
value (any): the value to look for (default: return last row index)
col (str): the column to look in (default: first)
closest (bool): if true, return the closest match if an exact match is not found
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the value is not found (otherwise, return None)
df = sc.dataframe(data=[[2016,0.3],[2017,0.5]], columns=['year','val'])
df.findind(2016) # returns 0
df.findind(0.5, 'val') # returns 1
df.findind(2013) # returns None, or exception if die is True
df.findind(2013, closest=True) # returns 0
*New in version 3.0.0:* renamed from "_rowindex"
col = self.col_index(col)
coldata = self.iloc[:,col].values # Get data for this column
if value is None: # pragma: no cover
return len(coldata)-1 # If not supplied, pick the last element
if closest: # pragma: no cover
index = np.argmin(abs(coldata-value)) # Find the closest match to the key
index = coldata.tolist().index(value) # Try to find duplicates
except: # pragma: no cover
if die:
errormsg = f'Item {value} not found; choices are: {coldata}'
raise IndexError(errormsg)
return index
def _diffinds(self, inds=None):
""" For a given set of indices, get the inverse, in set-speak """
if inds is None: inds = []
all_inds = np.arange(self.nrows)
these_inds = all_inds[inds]
diff_set = np.setdiff1d(all_inds, these_inds)
return diff_set
def poprow(self, row=-1, returnval=True):
Remove a row from the data frame.
Alias to :meth:`drop <pandas.DataFrame.drop>`, except drop by position
rather than label, and modify in-place. To pop multiple rows, see
meth:`df.poprows() <dataframe.poprows>`.
row (int): index of the row to pop
returnval (bool): whether to return the row that was popped
To pop a column, see :meth:`df.pop() <pandas.DataFrame.pop>`.
*New in version 3.0.0:* "key" argument renamed "row"
if isinstance(row, int):
rowindex = row
indexkey = self.index[row]
else: # It's a string (most likely): find the corresponding index
rowindex = self.index.get_indexer(row)
indexkey = row
if returnval:
thisrow = self.iloc[rowindex,:]
self.drop(indexkey, inplace=True)
if returnval:
return thisrow
return self
def poprows(self, inds=-1, value=None, col=None, reset_index=True, inplace=True, **kwargs):
Remove multiple rows by index or value
To pop a single row, see meth:`df.poprow() <dataframe.poprow>`.
inds (list): the rows to remove
values (list): alternatively, search for these values to remove; see :meth:`df.findinds <dataframe.findinds>` for details
col (str): if removing by value, use this column to find the values
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place
kwargs (dict): passed to :meth:`df.findinds <dataframe.findinds>`
df = sc.dataframe(np.random.rand(10,3))
df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[0,1,2,3,4], y=[2,3,2,7,8]))
df.poprows(value=2, col='y')
if value is not None:
inds = self.findinds(value=value, col=col, **kwargs)
keep_set = self._diffinds(inds)
keep_data = self.iloc[keep_set,:]
newdf = self._constructor(data=keep_data, cols=self.cols)
return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def enumrows(self, cols=None, type='objdict'):
Efficiently enumerate the rows of the dataframe
Similar to :meth:`df.iterrows() <pandas.DataFrame.iterrows>`, but up to
30x faster since uses tuples instead of ``pd.Series``.
cols (list): the list of columns to include in the enumeration (by default, all)
type (str/type): the output type for each row: options are 'objdict' (default), tuple (fastest), list (very fast), dict (pretty fast)
df = sc.dataframe(dict(x=[0,1,2,3,4], y=[2,3,2,7,8], z=[5,5,4,3,2]))
for i,row in df.enumrows(): print(i, row.x+row.y) # Typical use case
for i,row in df.enumrows(type=tuple): print(i, row[0]+row[1]) # Fastest
for i,row in df.enumrows(type=dict): print(i, row['x']+row['y']) # Still fast
for i,(x,y) in df.enumrows(cols=['x', 'y'], type=tuple): print(i, x+y) # Even faster
# Handle the columns
if cols is None: cols = self.columns
dftuple = (self[col] for col in cols)
# Handle the output type
type_map = {
'tuple': tuple,
'list': list,
'dict': dict,
'objdict': sc.objdict,
if isinstance(type, str) and type in type_map:
func = type_map[type]
elif callable(type):
func = type
type = sc.swapdict(type_map)[func]
errormsg = f'Invalid input {type}: must be tuple, list, dict, or objdict'
raise ValueError(errormsg)
dictlike = type in ['dict', 'objdict']
# Iterate
if dictlike:
for i,row in enumerate(zip(*dftuple)):
row = func({k:v for k,v in zip(cols, row)})
yield (i, row)
for i,row in enumerate(zip(*dftuple)):
row = func(row)
yield (i, row)
def replacecol(self, col=None, old=None, new=None):
""" Replace all of one value in a column with a new value """
col = self.col_index(col)
coldata = self.iloc[:,col] # Get data for this column
inds = sc.findinds(arr=coldata, val=old)
self.iloc[inds,col] = new
return self
def to_odict(self, row=None):
Convert dataframe to a dict of columns, optionally specifying certain rows.
row (int/list): the rows to include
if row is None:
row = slice(None)
data = self.iloc[row,:].values
datadict = {col:data[:,c] for c,col in enumerate(self.cols)}
output = sc.odict(datadict)
return output
def findrow(self, value=None, col=None, default=None, closest=False, asdict=False, die=False):
Return a row by searching for a matching value.
See :meth:`df.findind() <dataframe.findind>` for the equivalent to return the index of the row
rather than the row itself, and :meth:`df.findinds() <dataframe.findinds>`
to find multiple row indices.
value (any): the value to look for
col (str): the column to look for this value in
default (any): the value to return if key is not found (overrides die)
closest (bool): whether or not to return the closest row (overrides default and die)
asdict (bool): whether to return results as dict rather than list
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if the value is not found
df = sc.dataframe(cols=['year','val'],data=[[2016,0.3],[2017,0.5], [2018, 0.3]])
df.findrow(2016) # returns array([2016, 0.3], dtype=object)
df.findrow(2013) # returns None, or exception if die is True
df.findrow(2013, closest=True) # returns array([2016, 0.3], dtype=object)
df.findrow(2016, asdict=True) # returns {'year':2016, 'val':0.3}
index = self.findind(value=value, col=col, die=(die and default is None), closest=closest)
if index is not None:
thisrow = self.iloc[index,:].values
if asdict:
thisrow = self.to_odict(thisrow)
thisrow = default # If not found, return as default
return thisrow
def findinds(self, value=None, col=None, **kwargs):
Return the indices of all rows matching the given key in a given column.
value (any): the value to look for
col (str): the column to look in
kwargs (dict): passed to :func:`sc.findinds() <sciris.sc_math.findinds>`
df = sc.dataframe(cols=['year','val'],data=[[2016,0.3],[2017,0.5], [2018, 0.3]])
df.findinds(0.3, 'val') # Returns array([0,2])
col = self.col_index(col)
coldata = self.iloc[:,col].values # Get data for this column
inds = sc.findinds(arr=coldata, val=value, **kwargs)
return inds
def _filterrows(self, inds=None, value=None, col=None, keep=True, verbose=False, reset_index=True, inplace=False):
""" Filter rows and either keep the ones matching, or discard them """
if value is not None:
inds = self.findinds(value=value, col=col)
if keep: inds = self._diffinds(inds)
if verbose: print(f'Dataframe filtering: {len(inds)} rows removed based on key="{inds}", column="{col}"')
output = self.poprows(inds=inds, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
return output
def filterin(self, inds=None, value=None, col=None, verbose=False, reset_index=True, inplace=False):
Keep only rows matching a criterion; see also :meth:`df.filterout() <dataframe.filterout>`
return self._filterrows(inds=inds, value=value, col=col, keep=True, verbose=verbose, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def filterout(self, inds=None, value=None, col=None, verbose=False, reset_index=True, inplace=False):
Remove rows matching a criterion (in place); see also :meth:`df.filterin() <dataframe.filterin>`
return self._filterrows(inds=inds, value=value, col=col, keep=False, verbose=verbose, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def filtercols(self, cols=None, *args, keep=True, die=True, reset_index=True, inplace=False):
Filter columns keeping only those specified -- note, by default, do not perform in place
cols (str/list): the columns to keep (or remove if keep=False)
args (list): additional columns
keep (bool): whether to keep the named columns (else, remove them)
die (bool): whether to raise an exception if a column is not found
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to modify in-place
df = sc.dataframe(cols=['a','b','c','d'], data=np.random.rand(3,4))
df2 = df.filtercols('a','b') # Keeps columns 'a' and 'b'
df3 = df.filtercols('a','c', keep=False) # Keeps columns 'b' and 'd'
cols = sc.mergelists(cols, list(args), keepnone=True)
order = []
notfound = []
for col in cols:
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
if len(notfound): # pragma: no cover
errormsg = 'sc.dataframe(): could not find the following column(s): %s\nChoices are: %s' % (notfound, self.cols)
if die: raise Exception(errormsg)
else: print(errormsg)
if not keep: # pragma: no cover
order = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(self.cols)), order)
cols = [self.cols[o] for o in order]
ordered_data = self.iloc[:,order] # Resort and filter the data
newdf = self._constructor(cols=cols, data=ordered_data)
return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, reset_index=reset_index, inplace=inplace)
def sortrows(self, by=None, reverse=False, returninds=False, reset_index=True, inplace=True, **kwargs):
Sort the dataframe rows in place by the specified column(s).
Similar to :meth:`df.sort_values() <pandas.DataFrame.sort_values>`, except defaults to sorting in place, and
optionally returns the indices used for sorting (like :func:`np.argsort() <numpy.argsort>`).
col (str or int): column to sort by (default, first column)
reverse (bool): whether to reverse the sort order (i.e., ascending=False)
returninds (bool): whether to return the indices used to sort instead of the dataframe
reset_index (bool): update the index
inplace (bool): whether to modify the dataframe in-place
kwargs (dict): passed to :meth:`df.sort_values() <pandas.DataFrame.sort_values>`
*New in version 3.0.0:* "inplace" argument; "col" argument renamed "by"
by = kwargs.pop('col', by) # Handle deprecation
ascending = kwargs.pop('ascending', not(reverse))
if by is None:
by = 0 # Sort by first column by default
if isinstance(by, int):
by = self.columns[by]
if returninds:
sortorder = np.argsort(self[by].values, kind='mergesort') # To preserve order
df = self.sort_values(by=by, ascending=ascending, inplace=inplace, **kwargs)
out = self if inplace else df
if reset_index:
out.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
if returninds:
return sortorder
return out
def sort(self, by=None, reverse=False, returninds=False, inplace=True, **kwargs):
Alias to :meth:`sortrows() <dataframe.sortrows>`.
*New in version 3.0.0.*
return self.sortrows(by=by, reverse=reverse, returninds=returninds, inplace=True, **kwargs)
def sortcols(self, sortorder=None, reverse=False, inplace=True):
Like sortrows(), but change column order (usually in place) instead.
sortorder (list): the list of indices to resort the columns by (if none, then alphabetical)
reverse (bool): whether to reverse the order
inplace (bool): whether to modify the dataframe in-place
*New in version 3.0.0:* Ensure dtypes are preserved; "inplace" argument; "returninds" argument removed
if sortorder is None:
sortorder = np.argsort(self.cols, kind='mergesort')
if reverse:
sortorder = sortorder[::-1]
newcols = list(np.array(self.cols)[sortorder])
newdf = dataframe({k:self[k] for k in newcols})
return self.replacedata(newdf=newdf, inplace=inplace)
def to_pandas(self, **kwargs):
""" Convert to a plain pandas dataframe """
return pd.DataFrame(self)
def read_csv(cls, *args, **kwargs):
""" Alias to :func:`pd.read_csv <pandas.read_csv`, returning a Sciris dataframe """
return cls(pd.read_csv(*args, **kwargs))
def read_excel(cls, *args, **kwargs):
""" Alias to :func:`pd.read_excel <pandas.read_excel`, returning a Sciris dataframe """
return cls(pd.read_excel(*args, **kwargs))
def _constructor(self):
""" Overload pandas method to ensure correct type; replaces :class:`pd.DataFrame() <pandas.DataFrame>` """
return self.__class__ # To allow subclassing