Source code for sciris.sc_asd

Adaptive stochastic descent optimization algorithm, building on :mod:`scipy.optimize`.

This algorithm is published as:

  Kerr CC, Dura-Bernal S, Smolinski TG, Chadderdon GL, Wilson DP (2018).
  **Optimization by Adaptive Stochastic Descent**. *PLoS ONE* 13(3): e0192944.

import time
import numpy as np
import sciris as sc

__all__ = ['asd']

[docs] def asd(function, x, args=None, stepsize=0.1, sinc=2, sdec=2, pinc=2, pdec=2, pinitial=None, sinitial=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, maxiters=None, maxtime=None, abstol=1e-6, reltol=1e-3, stalliters=None, stoppingfunc=None, randseed=None, label=None, verbose=1, minval=0, **kwargs): """ Optimization using adaptive stochastic descent (ASD). Can be used as a faster and more powerful alternative to e.g. :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize()`. ASD starts at ``x0`` and attempts to find a local minimizer ``x`` of the function ``func()``. ``func()`` accepts input ``x`` and returns a scalar function value evaluated at ``x``. ``x0`` can be a scalar, list, or Numpy array of any size. Args: function (func): The function to minimize x (arr): The vector of initial parameters args (any): List, tuple, or dictionary of additional parameters to be passed to the function kwargs (dict): Additional keywords passed to the function stepsize (0.1): Initial step size as a fraction of each parameter sinc (2): Step size learning rate (increase) sdec (2): Step size learning rate (decrease) pinc (2): Parameter selection learning rate (increase) pdec (2): Parameter selection learning rate (decrease) pinitial (None): Set initial parameter selection probabilities sinitial (None): Set initial step sizes; if empty, calculated from stepsize instead xmin (None): Min value allowed for each parameter xmax (None): Max value allowed for each parameter maxiters (1000): Maximum number of iterations (1 iteration = 1 function evaluation) maxtime (3600): Maximum time allowed, in seconds abstol (1e-6): Minimum absolute change in objective function reltol (1e-3): Minimum relative change in objective function stalliters (10*n): Number of iterations over which to calculate TolFun (n = number of parameters) stoppingfunc (None): External method that can be used to stop the calculation from the outside. randseed (None): The random seed to use label (None): A label to use to annotate the output verbose (1): How much information to print during the run (max 3); less than one will print out once every 1/verbose steps minval (0): Minimum value the objective function can take Returns: objdict (see below) The returned object is an ``objdict``, which can be accessed by index, key, or attribute. Its keys/attributes are: - ``x`` -- The parameter set that minimizes the objective function - ``fval`` -- The value of the objective function at the final iteration - ``exitreason`` -- Why the algorithm terminated; - ``details`` -- See below The ``details`` key consists of: - ``fvals`` -- The value of the objective function at each iteration - ``xvals`` -- The parameter values at each iteration; - ``probabilities`` -- The probability of each step; and - ``stepsizes`` -- The size of each step for each parameter. **Examples**:: # Basic usage import numpy as np import sciris as sc result = sc.asd(np.linalg.norm, [1, 2, 3]) print(result.x) # With arguments def my_func(x, scale=1.0, weight=1.0): # Example function with keywords return abs((x[0] - 1)) + abs(x[1] + 2)*scale + abs(x[2] + 3)*weight result = sc.asd(my_func, x=[0, 0, 1], args=[0.5, 0.1]) # Option 1 for passing arguments result = sc.asd(my_func, x=[0, 0, 1], args=dict(scale=0.5, weight=0.1)) # Option 1 for passing arguments result = sc.asd(my_func, x=[0, 0, 1], scale=0.5, weight=0.1) # Option 2 for passing arguments Please use the following citation for this method: CC Kerr, S Dura-Bernal, TG Smolinski, GL Chadderdon, DP Wilson (2018). Optimization by adaptive stochastic descent. PLOS ONE 13 (3), e0192944. | *New in version 3.0.0:* Uses its own random number stream """ rng = np.random.default_rng(randseed) if verbose >= 2: print(f'ASD: Launching with random seed {randseed}') def consistentshape(userinput, origshape=False): """ Make sure inputs have the right shape and data type. """ output = np.reshape(np.array(userinput, dtype='float'), -1) if origshape: return output, np.shape(userinput) else: return output # Handle inputs and set defaults if maxtime is None: maxtime = 3600 if maxiters is None: maxiters = 1000 maxrangeiters = 100 # Number of times to try generating a new parameter x, origshape = consistentshape(x, origshape=True) # Turn it into a vector but keep the original shape (not necessarily class, though) nparams = len(x) # Number of parameters if not nparams: # pragma: no cover errormsg = 'ASD: The length of the input vector cannot be zero' raise ValueError(errormsg) if sinc<1: # pragma: no cover print('ASD: sinc cannot be less than 1; resetting to 2') sinc = 2 if sdec<1: # pragma: no cover print('ASD: sdec cannot be less than 1; resetting to 2') sdec = 2 if pinc<1: # pragma: no cover print('ASD: pinc cannot be less than 1; resetting to 2') pinc = 2 if pdec<1: # pragma: no cover print('ASD: pdec cannot be less than 1; resetting to 2') pdec = 2 # Set initial parameter selection probabilities -- uniform by default if pinitial is None: probabilities = np.ones(2 * nparams) else: probabilities = consistentshape(pinitial) if not sum(probabilities): # pragma: no cover errormsg = 'ASD: The sum of input probabilities cannot be zero' raise ValueError(errormsg) # Handle step sizes if sinitial is None: stepsizes = abs(stepsize * x) stepsizes = np.concatenate((stepsizes, stepsizes)) # need to duplicate since two for each parameter else: stepsizes = consistentshape(sinitial) # Handle x limits xmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if xmin is None else consistentshape(xmin) xmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf if xmax is None else consistentshape(xmax) # Final input checking if sum(np.isnan(x)): # pragma: no cover errormsg = f'ASD: At least one value in the vector of starting points is NaN:\n{x}' raise ValueError(errormsg) if label is None: label = '' if stalliters is None: stalliters = 10 * nparams # By default, try 10 times per parameter on average stalliters = int(stalliters) maxiters = int(maxiters) # Initialization if all(stepsizes == 0): stepsizes += stepsize # Handle the case where all step sizes are 0 if any(stepsizes == 0): stepsizes[stepsizes == 0] = np.mean(stepsizes[stepsizes != 0]) # Replace step sizes of zeros with the mean of non-zero entries if args is None: # Reset if no function arguments supplied args = [] elif isinstance(args, dict): # It's actually kwargs supplied kwargs = sc.mergedicts(args, kwargs) args = [] fval = function(x, *args, **kwargs) # Calculate initial value of the objective function fvalorig = fval # Store the original value of the objective function, since fval is overwritten on each step xorig = x.copy() # Keep the original x, just in case # Initialize history abserrorhistory = np.zeros(stalliters) # Store previous error changes relerrorhistory = np.zeros(stalliters) # Store previous error changes fvals = np.zeros(maxiters + 1) # Store all objective function values allsteps = np.zeros((maxiters + 1, nparams)) # Store all parameters fvals[0] = fvalorig # Store initial function output allsteps[0, :] = xorig # Store initial input vector # Prepare for the loop count = 0 # Keep track of how many iterations have occurred start = time.time() # Keep track of when we begin looping offset = ' ' * 4 # Offset the print statements exitreason = 'Unknown exit reason' # Catch everything else # Loop while True: # Handle initialization cases if fvalorig == minval: exitreason = f'Objective function already at minimum value ({fvalorig}), skipping optimization' break elif fvalorig < 0 and verbose: print(f'ASD: Warning, negative objective function starting value ({fvalorig:n}) could lead to unexpected behavior') # Begin the loop count += 1 # Increment the count if verbose >= 3: print(f'\n\n Count={count} \n x={x} \n probabilities={probabilities} \n stepsizes={stepsizes}') # Calculate next parameters probabilities = probabilities / sum(probabilities) # Normalize probabilities cumprobs = np.cumsum(probabilities) # Calculate the cumulative distribution inrange = False for r in range(maxrangeiters): # Try to find parameters within range choice = np.flatnonzero(cumprobs > rng.random())[0] # Choose a parameter and upper/lower at random par = np.mod(choice, nparams) # Which parameter was chosen pm = np.floor((choice) / nparams) # Plus or minus newval = x[par] + ((-1)**pm) * stepsizes[choice] # Calculate the new vector if newval<xmin[par]: newval = xmin[par] # Reset to the lower limit if newval>xmax[par]: newval = xmax[par] # Reset to the upper limit inrange = (newval != x[par]) if verbose >= 3: print(offset*2 + f'count={count} r={r}, choice={choice}, par={par}, x[par]={x[par]}, pm={(-1)**pm}, step={stepsizes[choice]}, newval={newval}, xmin={xmin[par]}, xmax={xmax[par]}, inrange={inrange}') if inrange: # Proceed as long as they're not equal break if not inrange: # Treat it as a failure if a value in range can't be found probabilities[choice] = probabilities[choice] / pdec stepsizes[choice] = stepsizes[choice] / sdec # Calculate the new value xnew = x.copy() # Initialize the new parameter set xnew[par] = newval # Update the new parameter set fvalnew = function(xnew, *args, **kwargs) # Calculate the objective function for the new parameter set eps = 1e-12 # Small value to avoid divide-by-zero errors if abs(fvalnew)<eps and abs(fval)<eps: ratio = 1 # They're both zero: set the ratio to 1 elif abs(fvalnew)<eps: ratio = 1.0/eps # Only the denominator is zero: reset to the maximum ratio else: ratio = fval/float(fvalnew) # The normal situation: calculate the real ratio abserrorhistory[np.mod(count, stalliters)] = max(0, fval-fvalnew) # Keep track of improvements in the error relerrorhistory[np.mod(count, stalliters)] = max(0, ratio-1.0) # Keep track of improvements in the error if verbose >= 2: print(offset + f'step={count} choice={choice}, par={par}, pm={pm}, origval={x[par]}, newval={xnew[par]}') if newval < 0 and verbose: print(f'ASD: Warning, negative objective function ({newval:n}) on step {count} could lead to unexpected behavior') # Check if this step was an improvement fvalold = fval # Store old fval if fvalnew < fvalold: # New parameter set is better than previous one probabilities[choice] = probabilities[choice] * pinc # Increase probability of picking this parameter again stepsizes[choice] = stepsizes[choice] * sinc # Increase size of step for next time x = xnew # Reset current parameters fval = fvalnew # Reset current error flag = '++' # Marks an improvement else: # New parameter set is the same or worse than the previous one probabilities[choice] = probabilities[choice] / pdec # Decrease probability of picking this parameter again stepsizes[choice] = stepsizes[choice] / sdec # Decrease size of step for next time flag = '--' # Marks no change if np.isnan(fvalnew): if verbose >= 1: print('ASD: Warning, objective function returned NaN') if verbose > 0 and not (count % max(1, int(1.0/verbose))): # Print out every 1/verbose steps orig, best, new, diff = sc.sigfig([fvalorig, fvalold, fvalnew, fvalnew-fvalold]) print(offset + label + f' step {count} ({time.time()-start:0.1f} s) {flag} (orig:{orig} | best:{best} | new:{new} | diff:{diff})') # Store output information fvals[count] = fval # Store objective function evaluations allsteps[count, :] = x # Store parameters # Stopping criteria if count >= maxiters: # Stop if the iteration limit is exceeded # pragma: no cover exitreason = 'Maximum iterations reached' break if (time.time() - start) > maxtime: # pragma: no cover strtime, strmax = sc.sigfig([(time.time()-start), maxtime]) exitreason = f'Time limit reached ({strtime} > {strmax})' break if (count > stalliters) and (abs(np.mean(abserrorhistory)) < abstol): # Stop if improvement is too small strabs, strtol = sc.sigfig([np.mean(abserrorhistory), abstol]) exitreason = f'Absolute improvement too small ({strabs} < {strtol})' break if (count > stalliters) and (sum(relerrorhistory) < reltol): # Stop if improvement is too small strrel, strtol = sc.sigfig([np.mean(relerrorhistory), reltol]) exitreason = f'Relative improvement too small ({strrel} < {strtol})' break if stoppingfunc and stoppingfunc(): # pragma: no cover exitreason = 'Stopping function called' break if fval == minval: exitreason = f'Minimum objective function value reached ({fval})' break # Return if verbose > 0: orig, best = sc.sigfig([fvals[0], fvals[count]]) eps = 1e-12 # Small value to avoid divide-by-zero errors if abs(fvals[count])<eps and abs(fvals[0])<eps: ratio = 1 # They're both zero: set the ratio to 1 elif abs(fvals[0])<eps: ratio = 1.0/eps # Only the denominator is zero: reset to the maximum ratio else: ratio = fvals[count]/float(fvals[0]) # The normal situation: calculate the real ratio print(f'=== {label} {exitreason} ({count} steps, orig: {orig} | best: {best} | ratio: {ratio}) ===') output = sc.objdict() output['x'] = np.reshape(x, origshape) # Parameters output['fval'] = fvals[count] output['exitreason'] = exitreason output['details'] = sc.objdict() output['details']['fvals'] = fvals[:count+1] # Function evaluations output['details']['xvals'] = allsteps[:count+1, :] output['details']['probabilities'] = probabilities output['details']['stepsizes'] = stepsizes return output # Return parameter vector as well as details about run